Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten;  The Pleading of Siblings

  June was the last to wake up in her dormitory the next morning. Rays of sunlight pierced through the dorm windows and the gap through her bed curtains, forcing her to either face the light or roll over to prolong the inevitable. She'd chosen the latter, smothering her face in the white pillowcase earning a complainatory mew from Lumos. This inspired the menace to swat at the bottom of her feet, hidden by the sheets and a red comforter. Lumos was relentless, his nails finally piercing the layers of cotton to scratch the bottom of her feet, tickling her. That had forced her to sit up, pulling her legs into her and levelling the black cat with a glare, his green eyes looked at her unblinkingly, without a hint of guilt reflected at her.

  "You're a prick," she hissed, running her hand down his back before scratching at his chin.

  Saturdays were often made for relaxing mornings, afternoons full of laughter and friends, and then late evenings of chatter around the warm fire. June doubted her weekends this year would follow the plan. Unfinished homework lay in a mess around her bed, parchment with ink scratches and stains, quills blackened with dried ink, and her potion book on her nightstand. She spared it a look before withering in embarrassment. 

  She had decided to call it a night after turning the Amortentia page in the textbook. She hung her head in her hands, her dormmates must think she's mad ... more than they already do, she thought bitterly.

  Faintly, in the silence of her embarrassment, June could hear the muffled splatter of water. Somewhere behind the wooden door was one of the dormmates in the shower. She eyed the door as she listened to the water shut off, silently praying that whichever of her dormmates hidden by the door wouldn't be Marlowe. Her anger towards her still festered and she feared it would bubble to the point of some form of magical outburst. It wasn't unheard of her to lose her control, she was still unsure if she had been the one to shatter the Dursleys' crystal and balloon Marge Dursley or if it was Harry. The snow in the dorm on the first night back was undeniably her fault and Marlowe hadn't looked at her the same since. While she picked and chose her moment to taunt her, simple snow flurries had stricken fear into her.

  Her loss of control had embarrassed her more than the thought of her dormmates thinking she was even thinking of brewing Amortentia. But she hadn't just been embarrassed, it had scared her too, because what if Marlowe angered her to the point of pulling a stunt like what had happened with Marge?

  "Oh, you're up."

  Maribelle smiled as she sat herself on her bed beside her, wrapped in a red towel. June jumped at her sudden voice.

  "Morning," she smiled.

  "G'morning," her smile was warm as she dragged a towel back and forth over her purple locks. "What you got planned for the weekend? Is Ron going to drag the celebration throughout it?"

  She shrugged. "Dunno might work on some of the homework."

  Maribelle rolled her eyes and laughed, "Merlin, you're obsessed!"

  "I mean, I can't be risking my N.E.W.T. scores."

  "That is fair, but come on Junie," she said. "School can't only be about homework – You have a boyfriend for Merlin's sake, go snog him."

  June cringed, burying her hands into the blankets. She searched her brain for anything to say and switch the topic. "Wait ... at the feast, didn't you say something about a rat ..." Maribelle's eyes bulged for a moment, she didn't seem to want to have this conversation, "saying something about a dog?"

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