The End

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"Oh fuck" Stella mutters when John appears, carrying a home made shield.

He's down on the ground being attacked by four of Karli's people, one had just ripped up a meter and was aiming for his head. Stella and Bucky run in, Bucky charging the guy with the meter. He rolls and gets to his feet only to be punched by Bucky into a wire fence. Bucky starts to pummel him but Karli grabs the meter and swings, Bucky ducks and dodges but she catches his metal arm. He grabs a thick chain and manages to strike her with it but she kicks out and he flies back and off the edge of the road.

Stella screams and kicks at Karli, she swings the pole and Stella ducks. She punches Karli in the stomach as hard as she can, Karli flies back and Stella runs to the edge. A man jumps over with an iron girder. Bucky lands and gets his arm up just as the girder comes down for his head.

Stella turns to see John fighting what's left of Karli's people, his make shift shield his weapon of choice. Karli struggles to keep up with his hatred, his anger radiating off every hit he swings at the girl. She manages to get away and take off with the last truck full of people.

"Shit" Stella runs as she sees Karli jump out and lets the truck crash through a fence. When she gets there its hanging from the ledge of the building site Bucky is in. John catches up and looks at Stella, she nods and they move together to pull it back up. When more of Karli's followers pull at Stella, John lashes out. But Karli manages to knock him, he falls and grabs for anything. The truck is moving forward again and Stella struggles to hold it up. A girder creaks and collapses, taking Stella and John with it. Stella hits the ground with a thud, Bucky was already there helping her up. The truck falls but Sam is there, his little gizmos helping stop it hitting the deck.

Stella lets out a breath when he gets it far enough back to stop it falling, Bucky grins at her, holding her tight. Suddenly Bucky yanks her out of the way, Karli had thrown a bar and it just missed Stella thanks to Bucky. His face is angry and then confused as Sam's shield cracks into the three remaining supers soldiers.

"You of all people bought into that bullshit?" Karli yanks her mask off.

"I'm trying something different. Maybe you should do the same" Sam tells her.

Smoke starts to fill the area, gas grenades popping all over. Batroc fires the gas all around, Stella waves it away and Bucky takes her hand.

"This way" Sam runs with Bucky, Stella and John following.

"Hey Sharon. We're underground. We entered the tunnels on William. Heading South" Bucky relays into his comm.

"Looks like they split up. Here" Sam points and John runs off.

"I got it" Bucky tells him.

He kisses Stella quickly and runs after John. Sam starts running and Stella follows.

"Think they'll be okay?" she asks and Sam nods.

"They'll be fine" a gun shot echoes and they both look at each other then run.

"Sam, stay back" Karli barely glances at him.

"So, what's next, huh? You kill ten this time, then, what, a hundred?" he asks.

"Where does it end?" Stella asks Karli

"Please, let me help you" Sam pleads.

"Don't try and manipulate me" she aims the gun at Sharon but Sam jets forward.

He plows onto her but she grabs a cinder block, Sam just manages to knock it away with his shield. Stella kicks at her as Karli tries to punch Sam.

"I don't want to fight you" Sam yells and jumps over a rail and away from her.

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