Call Of Duty: Blonde Ambition (Ghost x OC)

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In usual situations, she was never one to hold back her thoughts. However, with a gun pressed against her head, this Barbie had no choice but to stay silent.

The gunmen were yelling something incomprehensible at her, their accents sounding foreign to her ears. It was like trying to listen to Johnny and Price get into it about football, where you can tell they're both angry, but you can't understand what they're saying. They were gesturing animatedly between each other and her, their arms and hands flapping and failing in all directions, but she was sure she caught the word 'bitch'.

The original plan was to go in, do what they had to do, and then leave quickly and without any fuss or frills. However, after seeing the sheer amount of crates that had been unloaded over the last few days, they realised it wasn't as simple as they thought. Unfortunately for Barbie, she'd drawn the short straw, literally. She was the bait; the 'honey' in the honey trap, as MacTavish had called her. He was going to pay for that comment.

Somewhere out there, the boys were giggling among themselves, watching her pretend to squirm through their scopes. They were most likely taking bets on how long it would take her to lose her temper. With the rate the gunmen were provoking her, it wouldn't take long. As she knelt there, silently seething, she couldn't help but think about the satisfaction of the impending ambush, knowing that revenge would be sweet.

A wolf whistle, short and sharp, came first, and Barbie hit the deck immediately. Before the thugs had a chance to grab her, the door was breached with a resounding explosion, sending wood and debris flying outwards in a thick plume of explosive smoke. They were dead before the smoke dispersed. All seven bodies hit the floor in quick succession.

As the acrid smoke began to clear, Barbie's vision slowly returned, revealing the covered faces of her teammates emerging from the haze. Soap was the first to reach her, gun still smoking in his hands.

"Are you alright, Barbie?" He asked, his concern overriding his usual cocky demeanour. He quickly helped Barbie to her feet, and she could finally speak her mind.

"Took you long enough," she muttered, her irritation palpable. "Was the traffic that bad?"

He chuckled beneath his mask, and the rest of the team, equally disguised and battle-ready, surrounded them. "Sorry about the wait, sweetheart. We had to make sure they were thoroughly distracted." Soap gestured towards the crates piled high with contraband. "Looks like we hit the jackpot."

Their radio buzzed to life, and their lieutenant's voice gruff crackled through the static. "Team, secure the area and start the cleanup. We need to move fast before reinforcements arrive."

The team quickly got to work, securing the area and gathering the remaining evidence. Barbie felt a sense of satisfaction wash over her as they confiscated the contraband and disposed of any cartel members who might have survived the attack.

Barbie couldn't help but exchange a knowing glance with Soap. Despite her earlier annoyance, the risky bait-and-ambush operation had paid off in spades. She would have to grudgingly admit that later. "Something you want to say to me, Barbie?" he teased, catching the thought flicker in her eyes.

"Keep it in your trousers, Quick-draw." A sharp voice called over her shoulder. The man's whole body visibly shuddered, and he stepped back with his hands up in surrender; although, the smug look never left his face.

Barbie couldn't help but grin at the sight, turning her head to face Jester head-on.

"What? Treat 'em mean keep 'em keen." The younger woman clapped her on the back with a flat palm.

Before she joined the 141st, she never would have thought to associate with someone like Jester-- someone so... common. Jester's thick, country accent and vulgar language would have been enough to make her mother faint from shock, but having another woman on the task force was a comfort. Even if the things she said still made her blush, it was nice to have the company.

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