You awake?

713 14 16


You slowly open your eyes, you hear the faint beeping of a machine and the lights are bright.

Your body hurts all over and you feel woozy, you try to sit up but your stomach sends a shooting pain though you so you lay back down.

"You're awake I see", you hear a girl voice say.

You jump in surprise.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." , she says.

"It's okay.. What happened?", you ask and look at yourself and the room.

"Well you were running in the woods...(So on)....and when you walked out in the middle of the road you got hit. You broke your arm, sprained your ankle, and bruised a few ribs.", she says looking sad, "..and there is those stab wounds."

You look down at yourself again and back at her.

"How much will all of this cost?", you ask.

"Well it would be pretty expensive but-" , you cut her off right after you hear 'expensive',"nononono-i can't afford it. I need to leave.", you say starting to get out of the bed. When you sat up the nurse gently grabbed your shoulders before you hurt yourself again.

"Hey, we can figure something out. I'm sure of it!", she says in a comforting way.

You smile and hesitantly lay back down, trying to calm yourself down.

"Okay well I have other patients to deal with, press that button if you need anything", she says pointing to the call button.

She walks out and you're left all alone. You search around the room for anything you could do because you're bored, but you don't see anything.

You close your eyes to get some sleep but you feel like someone's watching you all of a sudden, a dark presence.

You open your eyes and look around the room, but see nothing.

Ghostface POV

Your sitting on top of a building beside the hospital with binoculars, you found Y/N's room easily after looking and a good spot to view it from.

So now you can always watch her and see if she'll actually give up your house/base location.

This was not apart of my plan but it actually works out quite well. It can be a little loyalty test~, you think and smirk.


Within a few minutes you fall asleep, dreaming of him.

A few hours later you wake up, your sheets/blankets are tucked around you like your mom used to do.

I don't remember doing this, must have been the doctor, you think and shrug.

Little do you know, it wasn't the doctor.

Your stomach, leg, and other body parts are hurting a lot right now, so you press the call button on your bed to ask for some more medicine.

A few minutes later a Male doctor who looks to be around 35 comes in and fills up your IV-drip with what you assume to be medicine.

The male doctor has a sad, cold look on his face and you can assume he has no family or friends, his eyes look just like yours.

He says hes gonna wait to make sure the medicine works, but after a few minutes you start feeling dizzy and dumb.

"H-huh-i don't feel so good~", you blurt out.

"Yeah that's because I drugged you sweetheart", he says while smirking.

He walks to the cabinets and grabs the restraints that you would normally tie unstable patients up with and holds them out for you to see with a smirk, then walking towards you.

You try your best to fight him but whatever he gave you is hitting hard and you can't even think straight.

He looks down at your petrified face and smirks while putting on and tightening the restraints.

"S-stop. N-", you try to call for help but he covers your mouth and brings his finger to his, signalling for you to shush.

He starts to unbuckle his pants and grab your body, you tear up from the horror and pain.

He laughs and grabs your thighs, you groan out in pain and you start crying but he keeps his hand over your mouth.

Ghostface POV

Your still sitting on top of the building watching when you see a Male doctor walk in to Y/N's room, you can tell he's up to no good.

It looks like he's giving her medicine and he looks calm, but what you can see is that everytime he turns his back to her he pulls out the most evil grin you've ever seen... Worse than yours even.

You watch, shaking and clenching your fists in anger as he gets on top of her and she high cries.

He got her high, then takes advantage of her? HOW COULD HE?! A 16 year old girl!, you think.

Before you know it you're slipping your ghostface mask on and darting towards the window.


You don't know what to do, you can't move and he's licking, kissing, and groping you.

You want to puke and scream. All you can do is lay still and cry. Suddenly, the window bursts open.

The doctor jumps off you and turns towards the window, but there's nothing there.

He decides to ignore it and hesitantly gets back on top of you, you close your eyes waiting for it to end.

He suddenly stops, you feel something warm dripping on your stomach and chest.

You open your eyes and find he's still there... But ghostface is standing behind him.

You know where the warm liquid is coming from, its the doctor.. He has a knife through his stomach.

You want to scream but nothing comes out, ghost face rips the still alive man off you and shoves him onto the ground, pulling the knife out of his stomach.

You sit there wide-eyed and mouth agape, just staring as ghostface kicks and stabs the man Repeatedly. Finally, he's dead.

Ghostface kicks his body to the side and slowly walks towards you, you try and Lean back to get away but it doesn't help much due to the restraints still holding you down.

Ghostface stops right in front if you, but instead of stabbing you he rips the iv out of you, droplets of whatever the doctor gave you dripping out of the needle.

He then just stares at you for a minute, but then he hears footsteps coming that way.

He quickly brings his knife up to you cheek and cuts it, but not deep.

Then he runs back out the window, leaving you laying there in shock as the door to the room opens.

Most of everything is blurry but you know you hear screams and someone touching you, then undoing the straps that restrained you.

Ghostface x fem reader (edits complete) Where stories live. Discover now