My home

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We both lay next to each other panting, feeling amazing. "Damn Y/N, your so nice~", Ethan mutters. I just chuckle and and roll over, putting my hand and head on his chest. "I'm hungry, you should make me some food", I ask with puppy dog eyes. "Ugh fine darling~". He sighs and gets up, putting on his pants and mask then heading out of the room.
I smile to myself and lean up, keeping the covers over my sore body. I watch the TV until Ethan comes into the room with some food(whatever you want it to be), and hands it to me. "Thank you", I say. "Anything for you~".
I smile and he gets into to my bed beside me, also eating. I set the food down and put on a random shirt on the floor, not realizing it was his. When I slide it on, Ethan looks away and I smile unknowingly.
We both soon finish our food and just cuddle, watching TV. I suddenly get a knock on my door and we both shoot up, I quickly grab my pants and yell "one second!", then put them on. Ethan rushes to get his stuff together as I go down the stairs.
I get down the stairs and open the door, acting calm. I'm greeted by a police officer, "hello miss, I just wanted to check how you we're doing". "Quite well actually, I've met some friends and havent been watching the ghostface murders, I reply.
I look at her but in the corner of my eye I see Ethan rushing beind cars sneakily, without a shirt on. At the sight of a shirtless ghostface I almost burst out laughing, but keep my composure.
"Have you seen him lurking around your house or anything?", she asks. "No, thank god". She nods, "okay, well have a good day then". I smile and wave goodbye, then shut the door.
As soon as i get inside I burst out laughing, but stop when I look at myself. Oh.. That's why he wasn't wearing a shirt. I accidentally took it, I think.
I burst out laughing again at the fact that he didn't speak up, and just the situation in general. I calm myself and walk back upstairs, going to the bathroom. I get ready to take a shower and turn the water on, then undress and get in. I sink my body under the warm water, letting out a sigh of relief.
15 minutes later I get out and dry off, putting on some sweatpants and Ethan's shirt. I look in the mirror and smile to myself, taking in the cinnamon scent of his shirt. I wrap my hair in a towel and walk out, going towards my bedroom. I hop in my bed and lay there on tiktok.
I mostly watch tiktok because I have nobody to text or hang out with, so that's really all i do. At the thought of texting I smile to myself and pull up Ethan's contact, pressing the call button. After a few second's of waiting, he answers.
"Oh my god that was amazing! Seeing you run shirtless through my street!", I say laughing. "You took my shirt, what was I supposed to do? Take one of your crop tops?", he says jokingly. The thought of that muscular man in a crop top makes me burst out laughing. "I would've loved to see that", I reply.
We both snicker and I smile to myself. "Okay, I gotta get home", he says. "Okay, bye". I hang up then laugh shortly again.
I pull up tiktok and watch it, crying and laughing with the other users. I look at the time, 4:30 pm, the clock says. I think about what I'm gonna do the rest of the day and sigh, bored.
I get back on tiktok and relax, but then a knock sounds on my door. I get out of bed and walk down stairs, taking the towel out of my hair as I go. I get downstairs an open the door. "Hey y/n, how are you", Eli asks. I smile and think of how his voice reminds me of ethans, but blush when i think of the reason Ethan had his mask off in the first place.
"Y/N? You alright?" , Eli asks. Oh-yeah sorry, I'm good what about you? ", I say and open the door for him to come in. He smiles and walks in, "that's good, same".
We both walk to the couch and sit down, I notice Eli blushing when he looks at the shirt I'm wearing. I blush and smile, feeling nervous. "So what do you wanna do?", I ask. He shrugs." let's just chill here then", I say. He nods and smiles at me.
I smile and lean back on the couch, thinking about things to do here. I grin and walk over to a cabinet with all my bored games and cards, grabbing one I've always been the best at. "I won't go easy on you", Eli says and chuckles playfully.
I roll my eyes and put the box on the table, then open it and we set it up together. After setting it up, I sit back down and get ready to win. We start and we're tied, this game needs both luck and smarts.
We continue to play and he takes the lead, getting all the questions about crime right. It's a crime game.
After about 1 hour of hard work, Eli wins. I drop my head in defeat, being sarcastic. He laughs, "don't be sad, darling". I quietly chuckle and lift my head back up.
We clean up the game peices, but my phone gets a call. I walk over and see it's an unknown number, I don't care and press decline. The number calls again, I sigh and pick up the phone. Eli looks over at me in confusion. "Hello?", I ask. "Hello, Y/N~", the voice says. I recognize this voice, it's the ghostface voice. "I have a friend here, so stop fucking with me-" I put up fake quotation marks, "-Mr. Ghostface~"
When I say that Eli looks over at me wide-eyed, "give me the phone", Eli says seriously. I roll my eyes and walk towards Eli. "You give him the phone and I'll gut you like a fish", the person says. I stop dead in my tracks and start to think, there's no way this is Ethan... This ghostface might actually kill me...
Eli looks at me and snatches the phone, "If you call or even look at her again, you'll regret it". I hear the unknown ghostface laugh and hang up. I start to shake a little and Eli walks towards me. "If anything happens I'll protect you y/n. I promise". I smile and take a deep breath, thinking about what to do.
All of a sudden a brick comes flying through my window, making me scream and hold onto Eli. Eli stands in front me like a body shield, protecting me.
I cover my eyes when I hear more glass break and I feel Eli's arm tense. I open my eyes to see someone in a ghostface costume, making my eyes widden. "What's the matter y/n? You look like you've seen a ghost~", he chuckles.
"I'm gonna fucking kill you", Eli spits. I've never seen this side of him, and it's scary. The ghostface rushes at Eli, Eli pushes me towards the kitchen and fights his knife off. I run into the kitchen and grab a knife of my own, then running to Eli. When Eli sees me running towards them he gets distracted for a second, causing him to get cut on the cheek.
I feel my blood boil and I run at the ghostface with my knife in hand, but when i get there he shoves Eli into me which makes me stumble back. With that, he punches Eli hard in the head, knocking him out. My eyes fill with terror at Eli's body falling to the ground, but suddenly ghostface grabs my knife and knocks it out of my hand.
I swing a punch at him, it hits his face but I'm not strong so it didn't do anything. He grabs my neck and starts choking me, slamming me on the wall. Soon, my body hits the floor beside Eli's.

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