What the hell happened here?

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You finally zone back in to see police officers and doctors gathered all around you.

"H-huh?~", you say.

"Hunny, are you okay? -What happened?", one of the police officers ask.

You look around and see blood all over the floor, all over yourself, and you can can feel a sting in your cheek.

A fuse in your head flips on, "i-i asked for some pain medicine so the doctor came in, but he gave me some kind of weird drug... He started to r-rape me but then ghostface jumped through the window and did that", you say as you start to cry.

One of the doctors gives you a nice but painful hug.

"Okay, thank you for this information. He might still be around here somewhere", the police officer says and calls into his radio for a search.

The doctors grab the little amount of stuff you have and transfer you to another room.

"He shouldn't be able to find you again here", one of the doctors say.

You're thankful but scared ghostface did that. He's murdered tons of people, including almost you... But what is this feeling?

Ghostface POV

I slowly go through alleyways and tunnels to get home, careful to avoid the police who are almost certainly searching for me as I speak.

When I was standing in that room, infront of y/n, my urge to kill was so bad. If I hadn't heard footsteps coming I might have, but I held back.

I left her a scar on her cheek to protect her from police officers thinking she's with me, but also to claim her and so she can never forget me.

They probably moved her room too, but that's an easy task for someone like me.

I get home and take off my costume, looking at my tattoos lining both of my arms, i need to get these redone soon, i think.


You sit in the bed thinking about what my life has come down too, you look at your self, They changed your clothes because of all the blood on them, but you needed new ones anyways.

You always keep watch of the windows in your room now since you know he could be watching at any moment, any time.

The next day, you wake up and the brightness of the room makes you blink a few times before getting used to it.

You then check my window for any sign of ghostface, carefully peeking your head around the curtain.

Your eyes widden as you see him, sitting ontop of the building beside you, staring at you.

You see him bring a finger to his mouth through his mask, signaling to be quiet. You nod your head yes and he tilts his head to the side, slowly backing away from the spot the was in, after a second, he's gone.

Like a ghost.

You close the curtains and sit back down, thoughts clouding your mind.

Ghostface x fem reader (edits complete) Where stories live. Discover now