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It has been a year since Nunew was recruited by a big Korean entertainment company to be a solo idol. He will be the first ever Thai soloist to debut in Korea. He has been pouring all his hard work day and night. Yes it is tiring but for Nunew, it would be all worth it.

Today though, it's different. Nunew has been feeling off all day. He's not feeling like himself since he woke up. He doesnt know if its because its cold or if its because he's been missing home. He couldnt get his tones right. He's been making wrong steps in dance routines too. His manager and coach got concerned and frustrated at him for the first time as it is very unusual for Nunew to be like this that they allowed him to go home hoping tomorrow would be a different scenario for them.
He slowly walked home. He wanted some fresh breeze, maybe it would clear his head. But looking at the stars just made him tear up. He doesn't know what's wrong. He doesn't understand why he is being like this. This is his dream isn't it? Then why is he feeling so deflated? Is this what he really wants? Is this the right path for him? Suddenly Nunew started doubting himself. He doesnt know what to do so he did the only thing that comes into his mind at that moment. He took out his phone and messaged Zee.


Zee has just finished directing an MV for James. They've been on set since yesterday evening and now it is already 10pm and he is most definitely tired. He checked his phone. He saw that Nunew messaged him earlier but he only noticed it now as his phone was on silent all day. He opened the message which made him pale with worry

" I dont think I can do this"

Thats what Nunew sent him. And it was sent an hour ago.

"Shit. Shit." Zee said as he immediately dialed Nunew's number.

"What's wrong? " P'Aof said as he looked at Zee

"Something is wrong with Nu. He messaged me an hour ago and i've just seen it now. Im ringing him" Zee told him

"I will try to message him too" P'Aof told him

" No Phi. There must be a reason why he only messaged me. Just let me ring first okay? I will update you." Zee reassured their old manager who is also a very dear friend to them

"Okay, but tell me whats wrong as soon as you know. Okay?" P'Aof asked him to which Zee just nodded

"Shit he's not answering and my phone's gonna die. Phi tell everyone I said good bye okay? Im going to charge in the car. " Zee asked P'Aof

"Okay. Remember to call me okay?!" P'Aof shouted at him and Zee just waved while he continues to ring Nunew.

He entered his car and plugged in his phone. He started to ring Nunew again. This is the fourth try now and he is getting really worried.

"Come on Nu. Pick up. Pick it up" Zee said as he is looking if Nunew's parents messaged him because if they did then something very worrying must have really happened. Thankfully Nunew finally picked up.

"Nu! Finally! Ive been so worried! Im so sorry i just saw your message. I just finished work. Im so sorry. " Zee told Nunew.

"Hia." Nunew's voice is clearly breaking. It's clear as day that Nunew has been crying on the other line.

 It's clear as day that Nunew has been crying on the other line

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