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Nunew is months away from debuting as an idol in Korea. He already recorded his first album and all he needs to do is to record the MV of the title song. When Nunew signed for the contract to be an idol, he was asked if he has any requests in the contract. He said he only has three. First is that he wants his artistic freedom. He do what he wants to do. Others can suggest him but if he rejects it then that is it. Second is that he can go back to thailand whenever he wants. And third is that he has complete control on his First album. Meaning he will choose the concept, the songs and the group he will work with to produce the songs.
These requests were made because these are what he already have in Thailand and it doesnt make sense if he lose these privileges just to debut in Korea. The management agreed to it and even gave him the opportunity to produce his own songs. This is why on his first album the concept that he chose is to give the fans a but if everything. The album will showcase Nunew's flexibility and range. He will have pop songs, ballad, rock, and even hiphop. The title song of the album though is reserved for the song that Nunew wrote himself. For this song, Nunew meticulously picked the crew for the MV. And who would be better to direct it than his Hia Zee? The management tried to persuade him to use a more experienced crew but he refused. He wants Zee and only Zee. So the management agreed in the end. They also agreed to shoot it back in Thailand as the title song is all about Nunew's journey.

Zee has been busy with the promotion of the first movie that he ever directed all on his own. He is proud of his work and he cant wait until the world sees it. He is so busy with balancing guestings, interviews and the final editing of the movie. But when Nunew called and asked him if he could direct his MV for the title cover, Zee didnt blink and said yes immediately. He didnt even check his schedule.

"I will make it work. Dont worry bout it. Dont even think about considering somebody else. I will do it" Zee told Nunew who just laughed.

"Hia, I wouldnt have let anybody else do it. It's only you. " Nunew told him

They then talked about the schedule. They agreed that they can do the concept meetings via Teams so Nunew doesnt have to fly back and fourth and that they would start the filming a month after the premier of Max and Nat's movie so Zee can focus on that first. He wants to make Nunew's MV his only priority when he starts shooting for it.

Tonight is the premier night of Max and Nat's movie which is titled "Faith". The producers made sure that it is a red carpet event so the actors and crew are all in their suits and dresses. Max and Nat wore exquisite clothes while Zee opted for a nice fitting black suit. He doesnt want the attention on him. It should be on the actors and the movie he said. The press and fans didnt entirely agree though as a lot of them still fawned over Zee when he walked in.

Zee accepted to answer some questions but only limited to answer the ones that are about the movie and not about his personal circumstances

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Zee accepted to answer some questions but only limited to answer the ones that are about the movie and not about his personal circumstances. Although there is one question he cant help but amswer.

"Would Nunew be here today? Why didnt he attend your first premier? Are you not in contact with him anymore?" The reporter asked. Zee doesnt like it when reporters push these questions as he doesnt want anybody to tarnish Nunew's name. They dont know how much support Nunew give him. They dont have to know. But he doesnt like it when they accuse him onlf things he didnt do.

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