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Zee has not had a proper sleep in a week. He has been awake for a full 48hrs now too. He is already close to exhaustion and his patience is already getting thinner. He has been on set for the new Max Nat movie. He was asked by P'Aof if he wants to direct it and ofcourse he said yes. This will be his first ever movie to direct and he is putting all of his best efforts in. That means though that he needs to be meticulous in everything. While he makes sure that all the other casts and crew are being taken care of, he is the one reviewing and making sure everything is on the right track. He forgets that he needs to rest too. All he is thinking about is how to make this movie great.
Today his body may about to give up on him. He has a banging headache and he is already short tempered with everybody. All of the crew noticed that he is not as energetic as before so they tried to stay away from him.
Max and Nat approaches him with worry in their eyes.

"Phi, you dont look good. Have you had rest?" Max told him

"Im good, i just have a headache. Where is the light crew? We need to fix this" Zee looks for his crew. He then see Nat rummage through his bag and took a paracetamol out. He gave it to Zee.

"Here P'Zee take some meds first, why dont you have a bit of rest? We are right on schedule, no, we are even ahead of schedule. We can afford to lose a day you know and we will still be ahead." Nat pleaded with him

"He's right Phi. At this rate you might get sick and who would finish the movie without you?" Max told his friend.

"Im fine guys, really. This is just a minor headache it will be gone after a i take the meds. Thanks nat. Why dont you two go and rest. I will call you when its your time okay?" Zee told his friends

Max and nat can only do as they are told. Zee is the boss here and although they are very much worried, there is not much they can do. Nat then suddenly remembered something. There is somebody who Zee cant refuse.

"Jelly. I need to tell Jelly" He said.

"Do you think he knows about it? I dont think he knows how Zee is over exhausting himself" Max asked Nat

"I dont think P'Zee would ever tell P'Nunew. He wouldnt dare to. He always want to appear as the stronger one. Wait let me message him to see if he is free" Nat told Max. After a while Max saw Nat smiled as he motioned that he is going to make a call. Nat stepped outside as his phone rings.

"Jelly, you need to call P'Zee. You need to see it for yourself"

Zee is sitting on his chair. His headache is still there but its slowly going away. His neck and back muscles are sore. He takes a sip of his coffee and his phone suddenly rings. Its a video call from Nunew. He was a bit surprised as its not the usual time that Nunew would call. He answered it but refused the video. He doesnt want Nunew to see him like this.

"Hey Nu. What's up? You called early today?" Zee tried to sound happy and energetic.

"Hi Hia. Why didnt you turn your camera on? I wanna see you." Nunew said to him

"Nu, Hia is a bit busy at the moment. I can talk to you with earphones on." Zee lied. He hates lying to Nunew but he knows the younger one would worry about him.

"Please Hia, i miss you. I really miss you" Nunew pleaded with him. Zee knew he cant say no to nunew when he is being like this. So he turned on the camera but made sure that a filter is on before he showed his face

"There, happy now? You know i cant resist you." Zee joked to him

"No, i dont want filters. I want to see you" Zee just massaged his temple. He doesnt know what to do now.

"Nunew Chawarin" He warned Nunew. He doesnt normally use Nu's full name. But his headache is back again. His patience is running thin.

"Hia, is something wrong? Why are you like this?" Nunew looked at him with hurt and sad eyes. Zee just sighed. He turned the filter off and waited for the aftermath

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