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It has been 6 years since Nunew left Thailand for Korea. He has been an idol for 3 years now and he thinks it is the right time now to make a come back to Thailand. Yes being an idol is all he could ever dream of. But he wants to act again. So he set up a meeting with his company and proposed to them the idea of making an acting come back in Thailand while they are preparing for his next album. They agreed, they think it is a good idea and a good use of Nunew's time too.
He rang Aof and told him about his plan. He doesnt want Zee to know yet. He wants to surprise him as the older one has been waiting for him to come back.
"Phi, what do you think? Will it be okay? If i come back to do a series, will it work?" He asked Aof for his opinion.

"Ofcourse it will work! Your fans have been waiting for you to come back fir years! Have you told your Hia yet?" Aof asked him

"Not yet. I want to surprise him but i dont know how." Nunew told him

"I have an idea. I have this script that I've been saving for the right time and i think this is it. It's for a series called Safe Space. You and Zee would be perfect for it. But is this what you really really wanted?" Aof asked him again

"I miss acting P'Aof. I really do. I want to act again. And if you think this story would fit us well, then im all for it." Nunew said to him

"Okay, our problem is with Zee. He refuses acting jobs recently. He would even refuse this straight away once he knows it's for a BL series." Aof told him

"He wouldnt if he would know it's with me." Nunew reassured him

"I have an idea. Why dont i persuade him to just attend a script reading with a co-actor and see how he feels. I will try to persuade him" Aof told him

"Okay phi. We'll go with that plan" Nunew told him.

"When do you want this done? When can you come back?" Aof asked Nunew

"As soon as you want me to P'Aof" Nunew smiled brightly at him.

"I will see you next week then Nong Nunew" Aof smiled at him too.

"Phi, i really really dont want to take this. This series is long, you know im busy. Plus its a BL love story. You know im not ready for that yet."
Zee told Aof over the phone. Aof sent a script for Zee to read but Zee refuses to do it even though it has an interesting story

"Zee I am not forcing you to do it. I just want you to consider doing something. It's been so long since you last appeared in a series. Your fans have been asking non stop. Look, why dont you just try to think about it, you already said the plot is interesting" Aof told him

"I dont know Phi." Zee told him

"Okay, why dont we do it like this. Why dont you attend a book reading with the other leading actor that they chose and see how you feel. I promise you will like it and if you dont then you can say no on the spot"
Aof told him. Zee thought about it for a bit. There is no use refusing Aof when he is determined like this. He will just attend and say no. That's his plan.

"Okay Phi, when is it?" Zee asked

"Tomorrow at 6pm." Aof told him

"That quick? Are they in a rush?" Zee asked

"Just come okay? I will inform them so they can prepare. I got to go. See you tomorrow" Aof dropped the call

"Prepare for what? It's just a book reading" Zee talked to himself.

It's already 6:10 and Zee is getting impatient. He doesnt like tardiness. And the other actor is already 10min late. He doesnt want to sound rude so he waited a bit more. 6:15 comes and still no sign of the other one.

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