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Six months had passed since Meerab's therapy had begun, and during that time, her life had seen remarkable changes. The nightmares that once plagued her had become less frequent, and she found moments of peace in her daily life. The scars from her traumatic past were still there, but they were slowly fading, much like the memory of her captivity.

Meerab and Murtasim had leaned on each other for support, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. They had found solace in their love, and Murtasim's unwavering presence had played a crucial role in Meerab's healing. He had accompanied her to therapy sessions, held her through sleepless nights, and celebrated every small victory with her. His presence was a constant reminder of his unwavering commitment to their relationship and his determination to protect and care for his wife and their unborn child.

Meerab's therapist had been instrumental in helping her navigate the complexities of pregnancy after trauma. Together, they had explored her fears and anxieties, finding ways to ensure her emotional well-being during this crucial time. It was a delicate balancing act, but Meerab's therapist provided guidance and strategies to help her manage her emotions.

Murtasim had taken on the role of a caring partner, attending prenatal classes with Meerab, reading books about pregnancy and childbirth, and ensuring that she felt safe and loved every step of the way. He listened to her fears and concerns, never dismissing them, and encouraged her to express her emotions openly.

Despite the strained relationship with his parents, Salma and Shahnavaz, Murtasim continued to make an effort to bridge the gap. He visited them regularly, even if those visits were often focused on business matters. His father, Shahnavaz, maintained a distant and cold demeanor, only engaging in conversation related to their family business.

Murtasim's phone rang, and when he saw Maryam's name on the caller ID, his heart skipped a beat. He answered with a sense of urgency, fearing something was wrong.

"Hello, Maryam, what's going on?" Murtasim asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Bhai, you need to come to the hospital right away," Maryam's voice trembled on the other end of the line.

Murtasim's heart raced as he asked, "What happened? Is everything okay?"

"It's Abba. His condition suddenly worsened, and the doctors are worried," Maryam explained.

Without another word, Murtasim rushed to grab his keys. As Murtasim was about to leave for the hospital, he realized he needed to inform Meerab about his father's deteriorating health. He rushed to their bedroom where Meerab was resting and gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Meerab, something's happened. My father, he's in the hospital, and it's serious," Murtasim said, his voice filled with worry.

Meerab, who had been resting, immediately sat up, her eyes wide with concern. "I'm coming with you," she declared firmly, determination in her voice.

Murtasim hesitated for a moment, considering Meerab's condition, but he could see the determination in her eyes. He nodded, understanding that she wanted to be there for him during this difficult time.

Salma's tears flowed freely as she saw Murtasim rush into the hospital. Anwar stood somberly outside the ICU, maintaining his silence as he had done ever since Haya's disappearance, his doubts about Murtasim growing with each passing day.

Murtasim embraced his mother tightly, feeling the weight of the moment, while Maryam and Meerab exchanged worried glances.

Amid the emotional reunion, Salma couldn't help but notice Meerab's swollen belly, a clear sign of her pregnancy. Her eyes met Meerab's, and for a moment, they communicated without words. Salma's expression carried a mix of emotions – surprise, concern, and perhaps even a tinge of regret.

Meerab looked down at her belly, her hands instinctively cradling her unborn child. She had kept her pregnancy a secret, knowing that revealing it would only complicate matters further within the family. In her heart, she feared that Salma and Shahnavaz wouldn't consider the baby as Murtasim's, so she had chosen to keep it hidden.

Salma, after a moment of contemplation, approached Meerab, her gaze softening. She stood in front of her daughter-in-law, the unspoken tension palpable.

"It's not that we don't want to share in your joys, Meerab," Salma began, her voice trembling with a mix of emotions. "It's just... everything has been so complicated lately. We should have been there for you."

Meerab nodded, tears forming in her eyes. She appreciated Salma's understanding.

Murtasim, who had been anxiously watching the exchange, joined them. "I'm sorry, Maa. I should have told you earlier. We just didn't want to add more complications."

Salma sighed, recognizing the difficult situation they were all facing. "We'll discuss this later, Murtasim. Right now, let's focus on your father."

The atmosphere in the hospital corridor grew even heavier as the doctor emerged from the ICU. His solemn expression told the family everything they feared but didn't want to accept. Salma, Murtasim, Meerab, Maryam, and Anwar gathered around, their faces etched with grief and sorrow.

The doctor spoke gently, "I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Shahnavaz sahib has passed away."

Salma couldn't hold back her tears any longer, and she wept openly. Murtasim stood in shock, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and regret. Meerab clutched her belly, feeling a sense of loss, even though she had never been close to Shahnavaz. Maryam put a comforting arm around her mother, and Anwar stood there silently, the weight of the moment settling in.

The doctor continued, offering condolences and explaining the circumstances of Shahnavaz's passing, but his words became a distant murmur to the grieving family. They were left to grapple with the sudden void that Shahnavaz's departure had created in their lives.

As the funeral concluded and mourners slowly began to disperse, Salma, still in mourning attire and with tear-stained cheeks, approached Murtasim and Meerab.

"Murtasim," she said softly, her voice trembling with grief and loneliness, "please, beta, and Meerab, can you both come back and stay with me? I don't want to be in that empty house without your abbu."

Murtasim and Meerab exchanged surprised glances. It was an unexpected request, given the strained relationship with his parents.

Murtasim spoke gently, "Ammi, I understand you're going through a difficult time, but Meerab and I have our own place now."

Salma's eyes welled up with tears as she continued, "Beta, I miss you both. I know things have been complicated, but now that your abbu is gone, I don't want to be alone. Please, consider it."

Murtasim looked at Meerab, silently seeking her opinion on the matter.

"I think we should stay," Meerab said softly, looking at Murtasim for confirmation.

Salma, her eyes filled with tears, approached Meerab and hugged her tightly. "I am sorry, Meerab. I have been unfair to you. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. Let me have a chance to make amends."

Meerab smiled and returned the hug. "Of course, Maa begum."

Salma felt a sense of relief wash over her as she recognized the importance of mending their relationships, even if it had taken her husband's passing to realize it.

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