Chapter 4 - Departure

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Author's Note: Ahsoka makes her decision. :)

~ Amina Gila

Rex finds himself in the communication room probably far more than he has time to be, just waiting in case they'll get a transmission from Outer Rim command that they've spotted Ahsoka somewhere. Except, the urgent call he gets next is from the General instead.

Apparently, she found a way back on her own. And it was some Trandoshans who took her, not the Separatists.

He's never been quite so relieved when he sees her step off the shuttle, alongside Anakin. "Commander," he greets, approaching.

"It's... good to be back," Ahsoka replies, glancing around. She looks more than a little relieved at being back here.

"It's good to have you back, Commander," Rex answers, "What happened?"

"A Trandoshan stunned me. They were using a stun net," she tells him. There's a certain shadow to her face as she talks about it, that makes his protective instincts swell instantly.

"What did they want with you?" That's what he really doesn't understand.

"They were hunting her," Anakin answers instead, a barely veiled anger slipping into his voice.

"Hunting her?!" Rex repeats, incredulously. "For... what?"

"Sport," Ahsoka replies, flatly, "There were many other people there too, but only a couple former padawans were able to make it."

They were hunting Ahsoka – their Commander, their... kid – for sport. Now, he really wishes they'd been able to find her before she had to escape on her own, for multiple reasons. "What happened to these Trandoshans?" he demands.

"We called in the Wookies for help. All the ones on that island were killed."

He has no sympathy. At all. And he still almost wishes he could've been there with the General to rescue her from those people.

"We won't let them get near you again, Commander," Rex promises.

She nods, giving him a small smile before heading off to greet the others who were waiting for her return. She's not close with any of the others on a personal level, but she's still their Commander, and they all noticed every moment that she was gone. They all would've done anything to find her. Aside from respect because of her position and what she does for them, there's always been an understanding that she's the General's kid that they're all helping care for.

"I am concerned about her," Anakin admits, as they watch her go.

Rex nods. "I can't imagine this ordeal would have been easy for her."

"No," Anakin agrees, "It's different than war. She has never had to face the reality of the world, outside of fighting."

That... Rex knows. None of them know anything beyond battle and what the Republic's given them. Aside from the Separatists, there's a limit to how much they know about what other natborns are capable of. He's heard that sometimes clones disappear and that there's rumors that people are selling them on the black market. The General was very upset when he'd heard about it, though he didn't really seem surprised, and he'd... mentioned that once long ago, his dream had been to free all the slaves. He said he still wants to if he has the chance someday.

"We'll keep an eye on her. Something like this won't happen again," Rex promises.

"You did what you could," Anakin assures, though he smiles faintly for a moment, "Though I don't doubt that you and the boys will. But she is... questioning more about the Order. She mentioned leaving. It's a possibility we may need to be prepared for."

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