Chapter 8 - Settling

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Author's Note: This is the end! It's a bit of an open ending, yes, but it is the end. Thank you all so much for reading, voting, and/or commenting! :D

~ Amina Gila

The fight against the intergalactic invaders might be over, but that doesn't mean the damage from that, or the Clone Wars, will be fading from the galaxy any time soon. There's still endless destruction, and it will take many more years to recover, if it's even possible.

But he's still not expecting what he hears when he goes to reunite with Padme again, for the first time since he got back to Coruscant. There were rumors and whispers everywhere, but he hadn't been paying much attention to it.

"Ani, you're back," she breathes, relief flooding her as she darts over to him, wrapping her arms tightly around him.

He holds her close for a few moments, relieved to just be back here and know that she's alright. If they hadn't closed that barrier, he might never have seen her again. "I missed you," he murmurs.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes," he assures, "The invasion is over. We can only try to rebuild now."

Padme pulls back, something troubled on her face. "I don't know if you've heard, but now that the Republic and Separatists have reached a temporary peace deal, Palpatine is pushing for the galaxy to be formed into an Empire. Many Senators already support that."


Of all things he expected to hear, that... wasn't one of them. He might have questions, but this is Palpatine, and he – he wouldn't abuse that power. Padme sees things differently, though, and she'd have questions. "The galaxy needs stability," Anakin points out, slowly, "I know you haven't seen all the destruction these invaders left, but I have. Entire planets have been destroyed. We... need strong leadership right now."

"Maybe," she agrees, though she doesn't look very happy, "Perhaps for right now, at least. But I don't like this idea as a long-term solution."

"Won't the Senate still have power?" he asks, consideringly.

"It will. Palpatine promises that won't change."

"Then if something is... wrong, you could still do something. If the Senate had concerns, I know he would listen."

"I still don't like it," she admits, "But given the situation, if it's the only way to keep the galaxy from shattering again, maybe we can work with it for now."

"Are the Separatists agreeing to join?" Anakin can't imagine they would.

"Dooku demands that they still be allowed to leave if all the promises Palpatine is making about ridding the galaxy of corruption don't happen, but... we'll see. The Separatist movement has been falling apart with the damage from the invasion."

It makes Anakin wonder suddenly, if... this has anything to do with what Dooku said long ago about Sidious being in the Senate, and they're working out a deal or something. Because he can't believe Dooku would let go of his dreams just like that, otherwise. But for now, all they can do is watch and wait to see how things are going to unfold.


The vote to form the Republic into an Empire happens only hours later, even before Anakin leaves the Senate – to be fair, he wanted to be around Padme a little bit longer – and though the decision is quite divided, the majority still want it. He can see from here that the Jedi Council is obviously unhappy, but Anakin is fairly certain they'll be willing to work with it, though they'll probably have an endless list of demands and concerns to bring to Palpatine afterwards.

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