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I looked for him for years, but never fond him.
I finally accepted the idea that he was lost forever.
And I found myself alone for the second time in my life.
So I spent my nights alone, reading or writing, training with the sword, the latter he had left me.
Nothing of all that is really different from now right?
I often wondered when I took the time to rest my mind, was the reason he gave me his blood.
I asked him once, but I had not received an answer.
Certainly he was my mentor and only family since the day we met each other, I was his disciple and probably also his only companion, but he remained someone very independent, he liked to be alone more than to be in my company even if he enjoyed it, and yet had kept me close to him for all his years without ever a word of hostility towards me.

- He reminds me of someone.

Heeseung was a little surprised by Jake's intervention, he had gone far in his thoughts and memories before the other took him out back to earth.

-In fact, I think that if he kept you with him and took care of you in this way, it was because he saw himself in you, kind of ? I mean, according to what you tell me about himself despite the fact that, to my great regret, I never knew him, he reminds me a lot of you, Heeseung.

Heeseung stared into his eyes, full of surprise, melancholy and nostalgia.

- Jake-

- Keep going.

He picked himself up, still can't refrain the tear of blood that was distractedly making its way down his cheek.

- The centuries go without my daily life ever changing.
The plague was still killing mortals, I sometimes went out to see the world, to hunt, but I had only one desire, it was to fall asleep for a long, very long time, and to not wake up.
Believe me Jake when I tell you that the inexplicable loss of my mentor had devastated me more than the loss of my parents.
Sometimes I met or felt the presence of other blood drinkers but fortunately, or not, they weren't looking for me.

This is what my nights boiled down to for years to come.
And then came the 17th century.

One evening, very thirsty after not feeling for nights, I went out to mingle with the nightlife of mortals.
Jake, we're coming to a part you already know, but I'd like to finally give you the explanation you deserve.

Jake said nothing, still staring at the stars in the night sky.

- I walked for a while and entered a crowded tavern hoping to find my happiness, which now that I think about it is a bad choice of words considering the state I was in at that time.
Anyways. when I entered I took the time to read the thoughts of each of the people present.
I spotted a man already elsewhere.

I sit opposite him, taking care to look as human as possible.
An hour passed, my need became stronger and stronger.
But I couldn't settle for animal blood, I wanted more.
Finally the man was kicked out, fault of drinking too much, so I started to walk after him for a few minutes until we were far enough away from the crowd.
Well, I'm not teaching you anything.
Half a second and my fangs were in the jugular of the drunk man.
As you know,while drinking, i saw his life and his thoughts scroll behind my eyes.
Indeed, I don't need it to do this, but discovering someone life when you take it from them only for a selfish need like that.
I drank in big gulps, but at that precise moment what happened happened.

You saw me leaning over the body which was lying between hands and hands on the paved ground.
You had seen my face bleeding with blood that was not mine but that of my victim.

My eyes, previously sunflower-like were now bright red, and had crossed yours, frightened, what do am i saying ! Terrorized! By this vision that offered itself to you.
And before you could do anything I had already dragged you down the same alley where I myself had died centuries before.

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