Chapter 6

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Noah abruptly took my hanging ponytail into his hands and tugged on it so I was looking up into his face I let out a gasp at how aggressive he was.
"Ouch wha-"
"shut the fuck up! you're already in trouble as it is so I'd advise you not to say anything else" his tone cold and left no room for debate. So I did just that shut my ass up. He began to trail kisses up my neck as I tried hard to stifle a moan
"Why couldn't you just listen baby? how come I had to come to you?"
"I d-don't have to l-l-listen to what you say" I said stuttering as he continued to assault my neck. he tugged on my hair harder and pulled away from my neck and just stared at me with a raised eyebrow.
"take your pretty ass over there and bend over" he said pointing to my desk. Did he not get that I wasn't just about to take orders from him? I guess he noticed my unwillingness to move and said "if I have to do it myself I promise you won't like it" realizing that I was probably pushing it seeing as he still had hold of my hair I slowly began to shuffle my feet across the room as he let go of my hair. I stood in front of the desk and looked back at him as if to see if he was serious. His look was enough to tell me he was beyond serious.

I watched as Jordynn slowly bent over the desk. It was about time she listened. I let out a low groan at the sight of her perfect ass in those leggings. This woman was blessed to say the least. I had to walk over to her slowly because it was kind of hard to walk with my growing erection. I roughly grabbed her ass and she let out a moan. That moan was enough to make my erection stand at full attention.
"s-stop! you can't be doing this!" she yelled.
"I can do what the hell I want!" I said smacking her ass roughly. I wasn't holding back, after all this was her punishment. I continued to smack her ass 10 more times as She let out low cries.... and moans?
"oh babe you like this?" I questioned as she sook her head no.
"can you please stop and just let me go?" she asked. Now she wanted to be nice?
"please? Jordynn why would I let you go when you're probably wet as fuck right now" I said as I slowly took my hand across her front and slid my hand into the front of her leggings as she gasped. Just as I expected her pūssy was dripping. I slowly slipped a finger into her awaiting entrance. She let out soft moans as I began to move at a rhythmic pace. Once I felt she was close to cumming I quickly pulled out. She whimpered a soft "please"
"even though I like the sound of your begging, this is apart of your punishment" I said as I backed away "stand up" she slowly stood up and looked up at me with those sexy brown eyes. "maybe next time you'll listen right baby?" I said and dipped my head to kiss her neck. She just stood there with hooded eyes and I smirked. I began to head for the door when I heard her call after me
"um, Noah?" I chuckled, she's such a quick learner. I turned around
"when should I be at your home this time?" she said while looking down. Now she wants to act shy? When I first walked in here she was so bold. I wonder what happened.
"make sure you're there tonight at 9"
"but I-" I raised my eyebrow "uh, okay" I smirked, that's what I thought. I know she didn't want a repeat her ass was probably so sore she couldn't even sit. I finally made my exit and continued to my office.

what the fuck just happened? how did I even let this shit happen? He just left me here on edge needing a release of some sort. Its like I was in a trance the whole time he was here and I just let him take over my body. A part of me was kind of turned on by him being so aggressive though but my stubbornness wouldn't let me fully be okay with him treating me like this. I didn't really wanna go to his house because I was afraid of what may happen if I did, but I knew I couldn't back out or else I'd have a repeat to 10 minutes ago and let's face it my ass hurt like hell, I could barely even began to sit down. I couldn't possibly take anymore. I sighed, I needed to get some air.... and a new pair of underwear. As I walked down the hall I spotted Elsie. She was so getting fired.
"Elsie can I speak with you" I said through gritted teeth
"um yes Ms. Sanders how can I help you" she said with a nervous smile.
"how did Mr. Cross get back to my office while I had an appointment? you're not suppose to let anyone back there anyways unless I say so"
"yeah I know, but he was so demanding and wouldn't take no for an answer" I sighed, boy did I know what she meant.
"I bet. Next time call my phone and warn me" I said "I'm gonna be gone for the rest of the day cancel any appointments and reschedule" I walked out the building and made it to my car. Once inside I rested my head on the steering wheel. God that Mr. Cross was something else.

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