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Please excuse any misspellings or typos. Enjoy!!!

A few weeks went by after my debut  interview of being on Friday Night Smackdown and it's been a breeze.

Trinity returned to Impact whereas Jon went to back to raw with Paul Haymen, then Jey and I took over Smackdown. Joe wasn't able to talk Paul and Stephanie into adding me to the bloodline storyline, which kept their storyline on track. I wasn't upset about it because I was finally getting my shot at getting the title from Rhea. 

Over time, we all became close and the guyswelcomed me into the family. I hung out with Jey most of the time after filming, while Trin and Jon were away. But  she would always FaceTime with me.

"Alright, Amahle I need you here tomorrow at 3 so we can do our runs a few more times, then you get some practice in with Demi for your debut in the arena." Paul stated while rubbing the top of his head, I nodded before tucking my curly hair behind my ear.
"I got ya."

"Other than that, I'll see you tomorrow." He said while turning to look at me with a soft smile. I smiled back, we bumped fists and went our separate ways.

I walked into the woman's locker room and changed out of my attire. Sighing as I pulled my biker shorts and graphic T-shirt on, I pulled my curly tresses into a tight bun on top of my head. I grabbed my pink crocs out of my bag and slid them on. I zipped up my duffle bag and threw it over my shoulder. Grabbing my phone, I made my way out of the room and was instantly met by Demi. She smiled at me,
"Heyy Mal, you headed out?" She asked, I softly smiled and nodded my head.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go home and rest up first tomorrow. I hope you're ready." I mentioned, she lightly laughed.
"Hell yeah , I'm ready... but I'm gonna let you go. I know you're tired. I'll see you tomorrow hun." She said before we shared a brief hug.

Although our characters hated one another, we literally were the complete opposite off camera. I think everyone was their opposite sides of their characters off camera, well most of them at least.

Jon and Jey were similar but different off camera. They stayed cracking jokes but Jon wasn't a bully for real. He actually cared about people.
Joe wasn't a self centered asshole, but he was more of a gentle giant. Their little brother Joseph aka Solo wasn't so quiet and was really sweet too.

"Aye LeLe, wait up!" I heard a deep voice yell out as I walked towards the exit. I turned to see Jey jogging towards me. I stopped and waited for him to catch up to me.
I raised my eyebrows,
"Yesss?" I answered as he stood in front of me. "Jon and Trin are having game night at the house tonight. Since they just got back. You coming by?" He asked, I slightly bit the inside of my cheek. Thinking about it, I was a bit tired but didn't mind hanging with them.

I shrugged, "Sure, but I'm staying a night. I know if it involves alcohol, I'm not gonna make it back home." He chuckled and nodded his head, his slick hair bouncing around.

"YEEET! but okay, I'll let them know. I'm sure they won't mind if you stay." He said before sending me a reassuring smile. I smiled back. "I'll walk you to your car." He offered, I nodded my head . "Okay." Was all I said before we both walked out of the building. 

As we walked, we were cracking jokes about how Joe got super kicked by him and Jon.

"Man, yall ain't have to do him like that." I said before laughing, he joined in before shrugging his shoulders.
"Well, the way this story is going he definitely deserved it."

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