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Jey |

I groaned as the rays of the sun hit my face. Making me roll over to the other side of the bed. My alarm on my phone started ringing from the other side of the room. Heavily sighing before, I fully opened my eyes and blinking a few times, before sitting up and rubbing my eyes.  I rolled back to the side and quickly snatched my phone off the side table and pressed stop on the alarm.

Last night was the most fun I had in a while. After are game match, we joined the girls outside in the pool. It was fun until, Jon pissed Trin off for throwing her in the pool. Ruining her hair. She kicked everyone out, except for Me and Amahle.

Which left us alone. We ended up staying up and watching movies for the rest of the  night and talking until we both got tired. She was honestly a breath of fresh air.

I threw my legs over the side of the of the bed and stretched my arms over head. A faint knock, averted my attention to the door.

"Yeah?" I called out, the door knob turned and the door slowly opened and Amahle's head popped in. She smiled when she seen me, "Good, your up. I made breakfast, you want a plate?" she asked, I smiled and nodded.

"Hell yeah! Let me brush my teeth and wash my face, I'll be down." I answered, before quickly standing up. She froze for a second and quickly snapped back, "Uuh, Okay! I-I'll make your plate." She stammered on before, quickly disappearing out the door. I chuckled before, I ran my hand  through my hair then made my way to the bathroom. I did my daily routine and wet my hair. I walked into the room and grabbed a t-shirt out of my bag and threw it on. I made my way out the room and down to the kitchen. The closer I got the stronger the aroma of pancakes filled my nose. I licked my lips until I walked in the kitchen to see Amahle, swiftly moving around the kitchen humming.

She turned around and looked at me with a smile, "Goodmorning, I'm almost finished. Jon and Trin should be down any minute." she stated before turning around and finished stirring the pot of grits.

"You need help?" I asked, while walking into the kitchen. "Uh sure. Could you grab some plates and cup and set them up for me?" she asked me while quickly glancing over at me with her hazel eyes. I nodded, then  walked over to the cabinet and grabbed 4 plates and cups, setting them up on the Island.

"Thank yooou." She sung, before placing scrambled eggs on the plates, I walked over and grabbed silverware out the drawers then placed them next to each plate. I grabbed the bottle of OJ and poured some in each cup.  She put the empty pan in the sink and tuned to grab the pot of grits, she poured some on each plate until she got to the last plate. "You want grits?" she asked, "YEET! Girl, gone head and put some on there." I laughed, making her giggle. She poured some on the plate, and placed the empty pot in sink. She turned the water on and filled each pot with hot water.

"Goodmorning Uce! It smells good as hell in here." Jon yelled with a wide smile. "Goodmorning Uce!" I yelled back before we dapped each other up. "Good-morning." Amahle said back to him with a smile, "Where's Trin?" she asked.

"She'll be down in a second, she's touching up her hair." He said with a smug smile on his face. "She still mad?" I asked him, he chuckled. "After last night... I hope not" He mumbled, I cackled. "Mane, uce. You better had made up for that shit. She was about to kill you." I pointed out before grabbing my glass and took a sip.

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