Soulmates AU

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Hi guys this was requested by @Lulu_Slayz. Sorry that it took me so long to write this I'm a bit busy with homework, exams and a lot of projects that are due end of this week, but I'm trying to upload as much as possible

I loved the idea so here it is. 

Okay little side info.

E.J. is in the same year.
E.J. and Ricky are together, but nobody knows yet.

Gina and Nini are together.

Seb and Carlos are together.

Jet and Kourtney are together.

Everyone get's when the turn 14 a bracelet combined of the colour of their soulmates eyes, the colour of their soulmates hair and their favourite colour.

When you've touched your soulmate it turns white.

When you've kissed your soulmate it turns pink.


When I turned 14 I was immeasurably excited about getting my soulmate bracelet. Right now most of the time I forget about it even being there. Mine is strawberry blonde/ginger, dark brown and sage green.

Jet has already found his soulmate when he was 15. 

I put on some music and keep thinking about it. 

"Yo, Maddie, you comin' to school." "Yeah I'm coming."

We step in the car and drive to school. We start early today cause of rehearsals.

I put on my headphones while walking in to the school, I'm not very much of a social or talkative person and sometimes when it's to crowded at school or when rehearsal around me get's really loud I get overwhelmed or get a panick attack, so my headphones really help me with that.

When I walk in to the rehearsal room, I see a girl with ginger hair, dark brown eyes and a really cute outfit. I don't know who she is, but then I remember that EJ said that she wanted to join the musical.

Then Miss Jenn says:"Okay wildcats, come here, today we are gonna read through, I also found someone who wants to play Miss Darbus, all give a warm welcome to Ashlyn."

While Carlos and Seb start rehearsing Bop to the top, I walk over to her to say hi and introduce myself.

"Hi my name is Maddox, but most of the gang calls me Maddie or Gadget."

"Hi Maddox, I'm Ashlyn, but you probably heard that already, a lot of people call me Ash tho."

When I let go I notice that her bracelet is already white, another person who has already been lucky enough to meet their soulmate.

Later... during lunch

We always sit around the same table during lunch it sometimes get's a bit boring though cause of all the couples around me. AgainGina and Nini are almost glued on to eachother, Seb and Carlos' hand lay intertwined on the table and Jet's arm is protectively around Kourtney. 

I am fidgeting with my bracelet like I always do when I'm uncomfortable, when I notice that all of a sudden my bracelet has turned white. Who could have turned it white. I did not touch anyone today didn't I? Then I think about shaking Ashlyn's hand. I liked that spark I felt. Does that mean she's my soulmate? It can't be right? 

Later that week during a sleepover with the gang.

Gina:" Who's ready for truth or dareeeeeee?!
She has definitely had to much alcohol.
"I'm in""Me too""Yeah let's go"

The bottle first lands on Kourtney.
"What is your best sex experience with Jet?"
Jet ultimately turns red.
"I'm not gonna tell you that, that's private."
"Come on you have to it's truth or dare"
"Okayyyyy, uh, yeah I don't know and if I knew I'm not gonna tell you."
Now it is Ricky's turn
"Who is your soulmate, we all noticed that your bracelet turned pink?"
"I'm not gonna tell you that yet the other person might not be comfy with telling people"

Then all of a sudden EJ says: "I know who it is...."


He then proceeds to kiss Ricky.
Omg now the only two of my friends I had who didn't meet their soulmate yet are dating eachother.

Nini spins the bottle again and it lands on me.
"Dare": I say.
"I dare you to kiss someone in the room who hasn't kissed their soulmate yet and kiss them to see if you are soulmates."
"But only Ash' bracelet isn't white yet"
"Yeah, so kiss her."
I stand up and walk over to Ashlyn.
I connect our lips and feel the spark, she grabs my head and I put my hands around her hips.

She licks my underlip with her tongue asking for entering, I open my mouth and her tongue slips in my mouth, I pull her closer and she explores my mouth. I feel the sparks explode in my stomach.

Then EJ coughs really loud
"Guys, you only had to give eachother a kiss on the lips not have a full make out session in front of our faces."

I chuckle and sit down in my chair again.
I say: "I'm gonna get a drink."
Then Ashlyn says: "I'm going to the toilet"
We walk out and she follows me to the kitchen instead of going to the toilet.
I notice that her bracelet has turned pink. Then I look at mine and see that mine has turned pink to.
"So, uh, you like me?"
"Uh yeah."
Then we connect lips again and I know that I never have to worry about soulmates or love ever again. 

Hi, I hope you liked it. I'm not fully pleased by how it ended, but I hope it was okay.

Any requests put them here.

Question of the day:"Which colours would the bracelet of your soulmate be?

Mine: Dark brown, dark brown and purple

Bye see you in the next story


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