Chapter 26

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After the duo talked about the incident where they broked one guy's leg for disrespecting Jungkook.
"So who bandaged your scratches?" taller one of the two asked with mischievous smile knowingly, it's not hard to guess since there is only one person whom his friend will let near.

"Guess it, I thought you were smart" he masked his shyness with teasing or he'll get red cheeks. Other just huffed at the stubbornness.
"Okay he just dragged me to nurse office and left since there was nurse to treat" he internally cursed the situation not being able to spend more time with his senior but had something in his mind.
"but what about you? What you were doing in washrooms sticking to the wall like a lizard. Just you were facing front and a tail is left then no one could tell that you were a human" said shorter male just to immediately get hit on head then taller one signed in thought soon his heart beat increased.
"It's not what it looks. Do you even know how I survived......"

"What! He pinned you!...oh my!" Jimin was giggling and slapping taller male's shoulder from time to time, to not to gasp at the situation yet enjoying the tea to the fullest and why would he not. He is a romance enthusiastic person.

"He touched my lips like this and said 'take care of it in nurse room before it gets infected'" said the taller one in exact deep tone older spoked to him touching shorter one's lips seductively who was shying, acting like a teenage girl ignoring eyecontant as he leaned on but they were not aware of the other duo trying to process the actual fuck is happening watching them in scandalas position.

"Are they really friends?"
Taehyung can't help but ask his friend cause no way they could only be friends doing things like this and maintaining chemistry. No way!
While Suga just watched every detail at which shorter is blushing on with light pink cheeks and squealing his little fingers.

"Let's go!" With that Taehyung stepped forward leaving other as it is and cleared his throat because it's not like he's feeling uneasy or something he just can't watch more of the duo.

The other duo clearly heard the sound and turned to see the person they've been talking, mostly simping about and immediately removed eachother but in the haste Jimin pushed Jungkook who grabbed other at time and to their luck they both fall on eachother then again got in scandalas position. The senior duo watched them rolling on floor trying to detach themselves from each other and at last Jimin stood up followed by other dusting their clothes and stood staright to greet.
"Hy seniors" said Jimin in his sweet voice like nothing even happened but soon they witnessed shorter male's eyes moved behind them on a presence who is non other than there principal.
"good afternoon principal" jungkook immediately covered up the mistake of other before seniors can get suspicious.
All bow down their head to greet old man's presence in respect which the man returned and gestured the junior duo to follow him which they did.

"He'll give them detention. I've to explain that it's not there fully fault" said taehyung feeling tensed about the situation walking towards principal office on the way other tried to make him understand.
"Taehyung stop it'll make it worst just let them handle then later we'll inform the whole situation to principal calmly" but who's taehyung to listen. He reached the hallway and saw the peon leaving as it's automatic door to his luck he got the chance to glance inside the office but what he saw left him confused.
Inside the office blonde was sitting on principal's chair while the older man was was grabbing his cheeks leaning in and black haired Jimin was sipping some drink sitting on another chair before he could see more the door closed automatically leaving him speechless with so many questions.
For Suga who noticed the peon was holding tray which is used for beverage or snack but why would principal need so many snacks for himself? or he's giving the junior's too! but it's not making sense when he himself called them to scold right?

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