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Picture of Castor, y'all!!!!

::::Angela's Pov::::

'I'd like to make myself belive that planet Earth turns slowly. It's hard to say that i'd rather stay awake when i'm asleep because everything is never as it seems.' -Fireflies, Owl City
The song played over and over as i stared at the plain white wall. I trembled to the soft melody of Owl City, feeling it deep inside me.

I have to scratch my nose.

But everytime i tried, my restricted arms tightened in their grip.

I had finally relapsed. I had finally broke down. They had hoped i would a week ago but i held my ground. I refused to let them see me squirm. At least i did.

Sunside Rehabilitation Centre, was what they called it. Where the sun touched the horizon at-blah, blah, blah. Ain't nobody give a damn.

I had signed my soul to the devil the minute i walked through the sliding doors and admitted to having a problem. A woman whose smile was just as plastic as the surgery she had done, had come up to me and handed me a weird collar thing.

Dr Whake: Hello Angela. I'm Dr Harriet Whake and i'll be your assigned physician until your sentence is shortened. Here. *hands her the collar* This helps us keep track of you. Just slap it onto your wrist and i can take you on a tour of Sunside.

I gave the weird grey band a look then clasped it onto my left wrist. After making sure it was in place, i followed Dr White-as-hell down the hall.

Angela: I should have gone to a black community centre.

Dr Whake: Racism isn't tolerated here, Angela. Here, everyone is in unison. We work together to make the youth better for tomorrow. That l's wh- *gco*

Angela: Save me your damn white-thology lesson and skip to the part where you show me my room. I'm tired.

Dr Whake didn't seem fazed by my snappy attitude. She just gave me her fake smile then explained a whole lot of bullshit.

We passed the dining hall where only a few people were milling around. Then we passed the community hall where all the patients sat watching tv, playing games and just mingling with each other. Then there was my room.

It was situated in a long white corridor that had other doors around. Dr Whake walked us to the end of the hall by a door with a sign written 'M.Hayes & A.Jenkins'.

Dr Whake: A gentle reminder; Mercy is a stage four bulimic mess. She's very sensitive about it and very unstable. I advise you not to provoke her with your uncanny attitude.


Angela: Look here, Harriet! My attitude is no- *gco*

The door opened just a crack and a girl with a full head of rich brown locks and big coal black eyes peeked through.

Mercy: I heard noises. *looks at Dr Whake then at Angela* My new roommate?

Dr Whake: *clears throat* Yes. Open up, Mercy.

Mercy stepped aside and let Dr Whake through. I stepped in right after. My belongings were already near the empty bed. Mercy was skeletal. You could see her shoulder blades sticking out from her baggy sweatshirt and her fingers were like twigs. Despite all that though, she was very pretty. She had freckles on her cheeks and a really pretty smile.

Dr Whake: Mercy, this is Angela. She'll be with you for the next three or so months. I hope the two of you can get along and that you'll show her around.

Dr Whake left without another word. After the door closed, i sat at the edge of the empty bed.

Angela: Am i the only one who thinks her left boob is a little lopsided?

Mercy: Nah. I thought her right was. But then her unibrow stole the show. You can't get past that hairy caterpillar.

I burst out laughing and so did Mercy.

Angela: I like you already, Merc!

Mercy: Like wise, Ange. I know this may come out a little weird but can i pack your things away for you?

Angela: Uh, sure! Go nuts.

Mercy gave me a really big smile. I guess she was OCD too. I put sheets and covers on the bed and immediately got acquinted to the place.

Mercy told me about it. She had been here for eight months because of her Bulimia. She seemed comfortable talking about it because she said it was what she was. She had accepted it a while ago. She showed me around and i met four other people who reminded me of my friends outside.

There was Joseph, Melina, Castor and Nevada. Joseph was very much close to being a sociopath. He just said whatever he wanted and did the weirdest things. He was an upper-which meant, he was always hyper and super happy and shit.

Melina was a junkie, like me. She had it worse though. She was in the late stages of relapse and had a horrible twitch.

Castor was my favourite.

He was tall, light skinned and had grey eyes. He had pretty cropped hair and reminded me so much of Roc. He had a very good sense of humour and was very outspoken and opinionated. Thing is, he was diagnosed with depression. He didn't seem depressed at all.

Nevada. Oh, Lord. Help me not to slap her. She was some kind of bitch, let me tell you. She wouldn't let me get a word in with Castor even though Castor talked to me the most. She kept saying a lot of shit about me like she knew me.

Nevada: So your hair. *smacks gum* Is that horse ass or ass ass?

Angela: It's mine. I grew it alone. How about your eyelashes? And your hair? And that pointed ass of yours? That yours too?

Nevada turned a shade darker. I smirked as she slapped the table and sighed.

Nevada: Whatever.

Joseph: Well, that was quick.

Mercy: Right? It usually takes ages to shut Nevada up.

Angela: Where i'm from, you never bitch down. You fuck up.

The whole table erupted in laughter and i felt like i belonged. Suddenely the stay here didn't seem so bad.

That's what i told myself two weeks ago.


I was locked in a white padded room with a straight-jacket clipped around me from waist to neck. I couldn't breathe. No one could see me and the white was starting to look like black to me. I hated it.

Well, i did beat up Nevada and stabbed a nurse with her own needle and tried to run away, twice might i add, with Castor on one occasion.

They noticed my behavior and then my lack of drug abuse caught up with me and slowed me down. I started to shake and scratch myself 'til i was bleeding in my sleep. My mood got darker and i was hearing voices. My parents yelling at each other.

So here i was, Fireflies by Owl City blasting out of one speaker in the corner of the room and cut off from all civilisation.

And i fucking hate it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2015 ⏰

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