Do My Thang

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Dedicated to Kamryb99,

& to my new favorite song by Miley Cyrus, Do My Thang! It inspired me big time! ey!


:::Minnie's Pov:::

I sat up on my bed, rubbing my eyes. I felt worse than yesterday. At least i wasn't throwing up this morning. I should really go see a doctor about it but i think i know what the problem is.

I threw my feet over the side of my bed and walked to my closet. I stepped in going through my clothes. It was cloudy outside so i settled on a white polo neck, bright red scarf, red skinny jeans and white uggs. I just love the colour red. Well, i used to until i got into the bathroom and turned in the mirror.

My red velvet hair looked horrible and the dye was partially washed out showing my brown hair. I rolled my eyes in complete agitation. I grabbed a new bottle of red dye and took it with me as i got into the shower.

After waiting twenty minutes, my hair flowed down in perfect ringlets of a bright cherry red. It made my brown eyes stand out. I got dressed and added a coating of cherry red lipstick and clear lipgloss for shine. I smiled at myself in the mirror as i loved what i saw.

Minnie: Perfect.

I grabbed my white backpack and red beddazzled Ipad. They didn't say we couldn't. As i got to the living room, i met my older brother, Miles. He was older by a year and weirdly enough we shared the same favorite colour.

Miles: Lil sister. *nods his head at her*

Minnie: Bro. *returns the gesture*

Miles: You look good. What did you do?

Minnie: Re-dyed my hair?

Miles: Oh, that reminds me. Can you dye my hair blonde for me?

Minnie: Why blonde?

Miles: 'cause i'm going to fade the tips red later.

I nodded my head, proceeding to the kitchen. My father sat at the island, sipping coffee and reading the paper. My mother sat infront of him, scrolling away on her PDA.

Minnie: Morning parents. *mumbles*

Minfreda: Morning dear. Is Craig picking you up?

Minnie: Yes, mom.

Miguel: Minnie, can you pour me another cup? *hands her mug*

I took the mug gingerly and returned it. I don't know why my dad was such a prick to us. It was like he didn't even give a fuck about what went on in my life or Miles'. I made a cup of white Twinnings tea and sipped quietly. The doorbell rang. I tilted my head towards the door to see Prodigy's blonde hair. No wonder why Miles wanted it too. Prod looked too fine.

Minfreda: Mariah!

Mariah was our housekeeper. With my parent's jobs, my father being an enterprenuer of Gray Shippings which gave him zero time to relax and my mother being a fashion critic, always flying in, out and around the world, they hardly ever had time to eat or cook.

Mariah opened the door letting Prod in. He walked in, putting either his keys or phone in his pocket. He wore a white and black striped long sleeved shirt, white skinny jeans, black addidas sneakers, black beanie and had his shades hanging from his jeans pocket.

My heart skipped a beat as his eyes met mine. I kept the mug at my lips to keep from smiling.

Prod: Morning Mr Gray, Mrs Gray.

Minfreda: Why do u have to be so formal? Just call me Minfreda. *gets up to give Prod a hug*

Miguel: Craig. *gets up* I'm going to work.

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