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  Chapter 6 Making a plan
  Su Mu Nian found that Xia Xia was shaking in his arms. He immediately hugged Xia Xia tightly. "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

  Hearing these words, Xia Xia felt her nose was a little sore. She was in the most helpless situation in her previous life. She didn't have any negative emotions at all, because there was only one person and no one to rely on, so she couldn't cry or feel wronged, and no one would let her go because of her vulnerability.

  No, she has her second brother, her family, and her friends in this life. She won't feel wronged now. She has to cry when she should and ask her second brother to be nice to her.

  "Then you can't leave me alone in the future, do you know?" Xia Xia sniffed,
  "Yeah! Okay, I promise." Su Mu Nian looked at Xia Xia seriously. He didn't know what happened to her. But he would never let her suffer any more injustice.

  "Oh, by the way, the ice age is worldwide. When the end of the world comes, ordinary communication equipment will be useless, and even electricity will be gone. The north is already cold, but there is only heating, so many materials for keeping warm are basically unavailable. When the Ice Age came, the already cold weather in the north became even colder and the heating disappeared. On the contrary, although the south was usually warmer, because there was no heating, every household had some thermal insulation materials. The Beihe period was warmer than the north. So the disaster in the south is much lighter."

  "Yeah" Su Mu Nian nodded and continued to play with Xia Xia's fingers.

  Seeing that Su Mu Nian was not serious, Xia Xia was afraid that he would not take it seriously, so she prepared to lobby again, but what Su Mu Nian said next She was speechless.

  "I know that some kind of village city has been built in the south. From what you said, a safe zone should be established," Su Mu Nian said while playing with Xia Xia's fingers.
  "What? It was obviously not like this in her previous life." Xia Xia thought that the country was caught off guard in her previous life, otherwise there would not have been so many robberies and murders. Why has it changed in this life? Could it be the butterfly effect caused by her rebirth? No, it's impossible, she didn't do anything. Unless someone is like her, and this person's status is not low, otherwise the country will not take such a big action.

  When Xia Xia saw Su Mu Nian's eyes, she felt guilty and dared not look directly at

  her. "Look at me." Su Mu Nian had never spoken to her in such a cold tone. Although everyone was afraid of the second brother, saying that he had a cold temper and cruel methods. But Xia Xia didn't believe it, because she had never seen her second brother like this. She always thought that his second brother was just talkative and abstinent, and now he was also arrogant and coquettish.

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