Out Of The Deep Woods 2

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Gus was in the bathtub while y/n was sitting next to it, they both listened to pubba.

Pubba handed y/n a jar with an apple inside which was surrounded by ants.

"What is this for?!" Y/n asked scared and confused at the same time, "hold on n/n, don't be scared it's ok, we won't be opening it, it's just to look at" y/n sighs in relief.

Pubba started cleaning Gus while you and Gus sat down listening to him, "once upon a time, bad people ruled the earth, doing what they wanted, taking from the planet" he paused before looking at you and saying, "just like those ants" you and Gus looked at the jar.

"They were GREEDY things, they were self destructive, only out for themselves" he paused while Gus saw figures popping up and flying around him and continued "so mother nature made everyone sick, and made everyone sick" he looked at you and said "but then a miracle happened" and looked back at gus "your kind, they called them 'HYBRIDS'", Gus reached out to touch the 'HYBRIDS' but forgot they were figure type ghosts and his hand went right through them.

"No one knows where you came from or how, but the people who were left feared you, they were meaner now, angrier" he paused while a fire popped up outta nowhere and you and gus saw people running and heard screams but then he continued, " so mother nature set the rest of the world on fire, and now it burns forever, some people are still out there Gus" "y/n" "in the flames, waiting" "its my job to make sure they don't get in"

He paused bc Gus was getting up, Gus tried to touch the fire but you and pubba cut him off by you grabbing his arm and pubba tapping him on his shoulder and continuing "and it's you guys's job to live a full life, to be happy, to be kind-" pubba got cut off by gus by saying "i saw her today" you said "SAW WHO?!"

"Mama" y/n felt sad when Gus said that bc he didn't get to see her, "she was pretty but she didn't have nubbins like me"

"Yea, that wasn't your mother guys" y/n was confused, "how do you know?" He said ".....well because your mother's gone" y/n felt heartbroken when those words left pubbas lips, "that's how i know" y/n and gus's ears both LOWERED bc of how sad they were.

Timeskip brought to you by the show

Pubba buried a box that had the rest of y/n and gus's answers to their questions while they were asleep.

Timeskip again

Gus and y/n are now 13 so they know how the world works a little now(ik gus's third birthday was his 10th but i aged them up a lil bc they seem too young to be goin through this typa stuff)

Gus opened the present he got from pubba while y/n blew the candles out. Gus got a slingshot and he was excited, amazed, and wowed "wow" y/n wasn't any of that bc hes seen one before.

Pubba walked outside to shoo the birds away from their garden crops, after like RIGHT after he ran and yelled towards the birds, the birds flew away but pubba was met with a small rock at the back of his head.

It was Gus with y/n laughing nearby, pubba then said "was that gift a mistake?" And Gus ran while pubba turned back around with y/n following him but then y/n got bored and say "hey Gus, I'll meet you at the house I'm bored, I'ma go read my book" (I LOVE MY BOOKS) "Your so boring, ugh it makes me think you love those books more than me" gus said annoyed "man you know it goes you, my books, then pubba"

Y/n didnt mean to say that last part "wait why is pubba last he should be first?" "I just don't like clingy and adults like that ok!" Y/n freaked out and told Gus "GUS PLEASE PROMISE ME TO NOT TELL PUBBA!!" "OK!" wait why are we yelling Gus?" "IDK, YOU JUST STARTED SO I HAD TO FINISH" "ok gus it's ok you can stop yelling now" saying that calmed gus down and gus gave y/n a hug.

Timeskip with Gus running through the forest until he saw some deer prints "mama" Gus said, and then he bolted through the forest and found the gate but the gate had a hole in it like a gigantic part was missing and Gus walked towards the gate and scared-stepped out the gate thinking something bad was goin to happen but nothing happened, but the Gus birds chirping and saw a BEAUTIFUL looking world called MOTHER NATURE, but then he heard a scary sounding growl coming from everywhere.

Then he said "growl? DUCK" He turned around to run but pubba was right there and he ran into him which triggered pubba to pick him up like a FUCKIN basketball when you hold it to the side with one FUCKIN arm😂😂 (he aint have to do gus like that)

While pubba was running g with Gus in hand he said repeatedly "what did I tell you, what did I TELL YOU" when pubba got to the house where y/n was reading he said "SOMEONE COULD HAVE SEEN YOU" y/n was confused and listened with his ears then Gus said "I HEARD SOMETHING" then they kept bickering and bickering when y/n butted in saying "OMG WHAT HAPPENED IM TRYING TO READ"


pubba said "Gus went through the wall" "what, wall" y/n said annoyed that this is still going "the fence" hearing those words made y/n jump up and hug Gus and ask him 3 questions "are you okay, what happened, and why did you do it?"

Gus replied with "I saw her ok and I'm fine" Gus said hugging y/n back, pubba was trying to be mad but it was his first time seeing y/n concerned and being the older brother he needs to be with Gus "ok, gus go lay down and y/n go read until your sleepy" y/n didn't wanna read, he wanted to be with Gus and Gus wanted to be close to his big brother y/n (2 minutes apart)

So they went to sleep but when the woke up they didn't expect to here this

Someone was calling the name...


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