•Sorry About All the Dead People•

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Gus takes the lead and you follow suit, you and Gus run for about 3 minutes trying to catch up with whoever Gus told you about, you could barely remember anything after getting stabbed, you and Gus are met with a cliff, Gus steps on the edge of the cliff with you holding him so he doesn't fall and he yells "big man, take us with you"


Jepperd was walking when he heard someone yell "big man! wait for us" it was Gus, he yelled that, with a tired and exhausted y/n behind him

jepp was walking through some flower bushes and he hears some leaves rustling and footsteps approaching him, he just says "how long are you gonna follow me?" while turning around "til we get there I guess" Gus says while you look at him confused "mama" he whispers, you throw your hands up like your still confused "that's ain't an answer, where are we going!?" you whisper shouted "Colorado" Gus whispers and you step back, already knowing how long this is gonna take

Gus turns back to jepp and jepp says "get where?" Gus face palms because how did you not hear us "Colorado. that's where she is" Gus says blankly "who" jepperd says like he forgot what that whole encounter was about 4 minutes ago "my mom" Gus says with a slight smile on his face "aw... I forgot to tell you, Colorado blew up, yeah it's... everything's gone, lasers I think and um, all the people there are gone too, so sad" jepp says and that makes gus's ears go down but yours go back because that works on Gus, not you

"sorry you missed it, oh well, have a great life" jepp says walking away, tightening the grip on his bag, you whisper to gus "dont worry, hes lying" gus looks at you and says "how do you know" you snicker and say "i thought it was obvious, he was obviously lying" Gus's ears go up and say "that was a joke" and runs after jepp, you follow to make sure gus is fine

jepp is drinking water and throws it aside, Gus looks at it and says "be right back" while running to go pick it up, you sit there and watch jepp throw more trash aside to try and make you and Gus go away but you watched jepp and made sure where he went so you and Gus wouldn't be lost out here

night had fell and you and Gus were behind jepp hiding, jepp had a fire going, you and Gus's eyes glowed in the moonlight and Gus slightly moved and stepped on a stick and it broke, jepp knew who was there and said "let me guess, yall are nocturnal too?" Gus breaks the silence from you two and says "we'll be quiet, we promise" you look at him like 'stfu' "ain't gonna happen, little man" jepp says shaking his head "yall are creepy as hell back there, get out here where I can see you" he said accepting them

jepp sighs and you and Gus get up and move in front of jepp and sit down "where do you live?" Gus says starting the conversation "nowhere" Gus says happy to learn a new place and asks "where's that" you facepalm and was gonna tell Gus that that isn't a place but was cut off by jepp saying "anywhere I want" Gus decided to push that answer to the side and asked "do you have friends?" jepp simply says "nope" you smiled "how come" Gus says cutting you off, making sure you didn't start anything "dead" you smile more but made it a sinister smile "do you know my mom" Gus says, you close your eyes like your saying 'never you just asked that' "no" jepp says looking at Gus while stuffing his face with peaches "how come" Gus asks for the thousandth time "probably dead" jepp says tilting his head back and forth

"how do you know?" Gus says, kinda hurt "most people are" jepp says before stuffing his face full of peaches again "how far is Colorado?" Gus says asking another question "a million miles" you smirk already knowing he was lying "how long will that take?" Gus asks "I don't know cause I'm not taking you" jepp says getting frustrated "how come" Gus says, you decide to go to sleep because you ain't have anything else to do "cause I got things to do" jepp says jumbling on his words

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