•Out of the Deep Woods•

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"Gus was pushing a toboggan up a hill, he then trips and falls and the toboggan slides down right past him, he says 'no!' but what help would that do, he was left disappointed in himself"


Gus was screwing in the tree with a cork?? whatever it's called, and was struggling because he wasn't strong enough but just barely was and the cork?? was rusty and hard to move too so he was obviously struggling and in a split second the cork?? snapped in half and Gus looked at it and threw the cork and looked at the tree decided to kick the tree and yell at it

you heard something break and you dropped your book and ran to him even though he was far from the cabin

you got to him and softly asked "you ok?" all Gus could muster was a shake of him head and dropped his head loosing all the anger and turning it to disappointment and sadness and started silently sobbing

you obviously heard the sobs and quickly opened your arms and said "aw, c'mere buddy" gus gave in and slowly and exhaustedly waddled over to you and you engulfed him in your arms

while he was crying, you looked over at the screw stuck in the tree and asked confused "why didn't you ask me for help, you know you can do that right, I wouldn't be mad anymore, I know how important this is for you" you calmly said while caressing your thumb on his back to calm him down

which worked and he muffled words from your chest but you couldn't hear him so you ended the hug and said "what?" and Gus playfully rolled his eyes and said "I thought you wouldn't care or wouldn't want anything to do with me since...you know...pu-"

you cut Gus off because you knew if he said his name, he would breakdown even more so you said "now why would I not want anything to do with you, Gus your my baby brother (you were born first by a few minutes, you know y'all are twins but you don't like going by that, unless it's a very important matter)

Gus snickered and playfully said "only by 3 minutes" and from Gus saying that, you ruffled his hair and made sure to not touch his antlers even though Gus doesn't care if YOU touched them, because you were the only one he had left but you didn't want to invade in his personal bubble

while you were ruffling his hair, you snickered and then said "alright, come on buddy, let's fix this, together"

after you and Gus decided to work together, Gus felt so happy and seen because you were helping him with something that doesn't inform you and he was energized from that

y'all got done fixing the things after about 32 minutes but while y'all were done and y'all looked at the "progress" y'all made, it broke again, everything, first it was the tree getting clogged again, then the crows and other birds came back to the plants, and then the toboggan fell back down the hill

you sighed and put your hand on your face and walked inside of the cabin to faceplant on your bed while you groaned

Gus just stood there for a few seconds and decided to try and fix the one thing y'all forgot about...the weeds...

Gus exhaustedly walked to the tool shed pubba made and grabbed the weed whackers and made his way to the weeds where the plants were

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