Nothing In the World

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Year ~ 1321

The eye of the evening sun began to peer through the windows of a  room as it started to set, making out the silhouette of a young lady, peacefully sleeping in her silk bed sheets. The blanket that lay upon the top of her body moved slowly up and down, mimicking the movement of her chest as she was breathing softly. Her long chocolate-brown hair covered her pillow as she lay asleep, with her pale cheek squished against it. The sound of busy people could be heard in the hallways outside her bed-chambers.

The final rays of light of the setting sun crept through the air, settling onto her face, and rested upon her eyes. Slowly, her eyes started to flutter open at the heat of the amber light and she began to shift in her bed as she started to wake up. She got up from her previous slumber position, gently rubbing her eyes. Long, pale, slim legs slipped out of the bed and began to make their way to her dressing area to put on a gown; her mother had placed her special gown upon her vanity chair the previous evening. As she picked up the gown, she noticed a small piece of parchment that peered through one of the pockets of the skirt. She grabbed it and carefully unfolded it to read the words created from her mother's handwriting;

Once you wake, my dear.
Place your gown on yourself and put on your shoes.
Then make your way to my room, where I will help you finish getting ready. Oh and by the way if you see your brother in the morning and he is not with me, slap him for me?
Love, Mother.

The young lady smiled and chuckled at the note and began to get dressed into her gown. The gown was completely black except for the red designs on the bottom, and on her waist sat a black corset - that had designs that looked similar to that of Earth's ancient Greek patterns embroidered onto it. Ruby and gold gems were scattered around the corset, following the embroidered pattern. She then placed a waist bead made up of small shells and jewels on top of her corset, crafted and gifted to her from an old friend. Her pale feet slipped into her red sandals, which shared the same patterns as her corset, and made her way through the halls of her home.

Walking down the halls, she met multiple guards and servants rushing back and forth from different rooms. Soon enough her eyes were met by the sight of her older brother, Dalvir, who looked more nervous than the panicking chefs. It was his coronation and their mother was passing her crown onto him, he had every right to be nervous. The young lady remembered the comment her mother left on the note about her brother, a grin of amusement itching on her face, but then chose to ignore it before she quickened her pace to greet her brother, a smile across her pale face, flashing small fangs that were still growing in.

"Dal! How are you feeling on this day, my brother?" she asked with excitement weaved into her sweet voice while looking up at him.

"Truthfully, I feel as though my heart is going to explode," he paused for a moment, "If I had one that is." A hint of mischief sat in his voice.

He swung his arm gently around his younger sister and they continued to speak excitedly to one another while they walked peacefully through the halls.

"I would love to hear how you are feeling this day, sister."

His sister smiled softly in return to her brother's curiosity, showing off her small fangs again, "I am feeling nothing but excitement, I mean you are going to be king my dear brother!" she squealed cheerfully, earning a soft laugh from Dalvir.

"I can see that very well, Valeria," he replied, observing  his younger sister's sweet nature. She reminded him of nature constantly, she was as sweet as fresh blossomed flowers that rise in springtime. A season in which they both enjoyed dearly.

Valeria had always admired her older brother; he was strong, smart, caring, he was everything to her! She wanted to be just like him. She never wanted him to leave her side, and the feeling was mutual and shared between them. They admired each other in different ways. She admired his strength and hoped to be as strong as him one day. He admired her enthusiasm and wished he had that feeling when he was younger, or even now. Nothing in the world could tear them apart.

As they walked along peacefully, the traditional ceremonial horn of the kingdom blared throughout the halls telling everyone that it was almost time.

The two siblings parted ways as they went to continue finishing getting ready for the ceremony. Valeria made her way to her mother's chambers, the small heels of her sandals filled the halls with the sound of click and clack as she walked across the marble floor.

Before she even reached the handle her mother had already opened the door for her arrival. Her mother was a very observant woman, she could recognise the sound of someone's footsteps from a mile away. She was a very sharp and keen woman. From her features of appearance to her senses. Her long dark-chocolate brown hair rested over her shoulders. On top of her head sat a silver circlet crown made up of small flowers that ranged in different shades of blues, with small plaits beautifully woven into it. Her dress was long, the front stopping at her ankles and the back had a short train that rested on the cold floor. The queen did not wear a corset like her daughter, her dress sat alone, hugging her chest and waist. Its long sleeves almost covered her hands. The neckline possessed embroidered patterns, similar to that of her daughter's corset. The dress matched the circlet on her head by being of a brilliant velvet blue colour with silver designs on the neck and sleeves.

Her eyes lit up in delight as her vision laid on Valeria. "Oh! Look at you, you look absolutely beautiful, my little hyacinth!" her mother exclaimed in joy as she looked at her youngest child.

"Thank you, Mother," she paused, remembering the note again, "I saw my brother in the halls on the east side of the palace." She looked to her mother, who acted confused but yet had an amused smirk fighting with her mouth. 

"So your brother decided he wanted to take a stroll along the east halls when he was supposed to be here a while ago," she spoke as if she felt conflicted and annoyed although in reality she was quite entertained by her eldest son's disobedience. Though, she also wasn't one bit surprised. Valeria giggled quietly at her mother's poor attempt of hiding her amusement.

A knock on the chamber door startled Valeria, unlike her mother who remained as still and quiet as a stoned statue. A soft rushed voice began to speak from outside the room, "Queen Vasiliki, apologies for disturbing but your presence is needed in the great hall." The servant patiently waited for her response.

Vasiliki opened the door gently and was greeted by one of the dining servants of the palace.

"I will be there in a moment. I am currently getting my daughter ready. Thank you, now please go back to work as there is a lot to be done," she calmly explained to him. He nodded his head and bowed before he sped away back down the halls.

The queen turned back to her daughter, who had begun to do her hair at the vanity, and walked towards her. "Now, let's get you properly ready, my little hyacinth."


Criticism is WANTED and NEEDED.

FYI, the first few chapters will be prologues.

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