For Evermore

4 0 15

Year ~ 1321

The sun was nowhere to be seen in the skies above and the midnight moon shone down on the partying vampires. Cheerful music filled the ears of all who could hear. Wine and other beverages were passed around the adults as children danced and chased each other around the gardens in giggles and playful squeals.

Valeria twirled and spun around with her friends, smiling and laughing, celebrating alongside the rest of the younger vampires.

Dalvir had changed out of the ceremonial outfit and into a darker outfit, one that similarly matched his younger sister's gown. Black, with hints of red, with a black corset vest around his torso; decorated with white and red jewels and gems. The embroidery designs were different, but shared similarly an idea of Greek symbols. In his hand he held a glass of deep red wine, which he only took small sips of every few minutes.

Different couples followed the beat of the music and cheerfully danced together. As people celebrated, Noah's pointed ears picked up a noise. The same clicking noise as earlier; but louder. He excused himself from the conversation he was having with other vampires and went to search for the source of the mysterious sound. Frankly, he was quite confused because no other vampire heard it; especially his very observant wife, and if she did hear, wouldn't she have said?

He entered the palace, quietly. The halls were empty and dark, the only light present was the flickering flames of the lamps spread out on the walls in the halls and the moonlight peeking through the windows. As he continued to walk through the palace, the noise kept getting louder and louder.

He entered the Great Hall as he believed the source of noise was coming from there; mostly due to the fact he heard it earlier in there. He was right, the noise was at its loudest in the hall. In the corner of his eye he could make out the glowing yellow eyes of a creature, staring right at him.

He did not turn. He did not show fear. He left the room calmly, acting as if he had seen nothing. He recognised the colour and density of the glow in those eyes. He knew what that creature was, he did not need to check to be sure. So calmly, he walked back to the party to warn his wife and others.

As he walked back, the sound of music flooded back into his ears. It relaxed him slightly but it did not shake away the thought of that creature. He walked towards his wife, who talked to Dalvir and other adult vampires.

"We need to get out of here and to shelter, now," he whispered softly and quietly, so only his wife's ears could hear.

He was met by a confused look on the woman's face.

"I excused myself moments ago as I had heard a sound and I felt I needed to check the source. I then went to the Great Hall and I saw two glowing yellow eyes in the corner of my eye. It was a devil, I am sure of it," he explained as calmly as he could to his confused wife. Vasiliki turned from confused to concerned quicker than a heartbeat.

"Dalvir, come here please," she said, quickly gesturing for her son to come over.

Dalvir excused himself from his conversation and made his way to his mother.

"What's the matter, mother?" he noticed the concerned look on his mother's face.

"We need to get the people to safety, there is a devil on the grounds and we have no idea if there's more," his father stated.

Vasiliki nodded along to her husband's statement. Dalvir mirrored his mother's concern and bit his lip slightly.

"Alright, we should get the people out and keep the soldiers here," he said swiftly and calmly and his parents nodded.

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