Johnny Cage: The Popular yet Unsettling Star

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Raven: *Caw! Caw!*

A raven crowed biting out of a corpse of a man who was killed on a field. This particular field was filled with multiple dead bodies of fallen warriors. One of which was the dead body of Kung Lao whose head was snapped, another was two ninjas one in yellow and one in blue both killed by blades, another was of a woman who had her throat slit, and lastly was Izuku who had his staff stabbed through his throat.

Infront of them stood a large pyramid with steps as on the steps was the dead corpse of Liu Kang who seemed to have been killed but revived, and beside his body was an old man in a Chinese robe.

Raiden: Nngh!

He groaned as Raiden was slammed to the ground on his back as his hat flew off of his head. Bruised and beaten as the bottom of his chin was busted. He wore a dark attire unlike his formal clothing as his eyes glowed a dark malevolent red. In front of him walking in his mighty boots was the all-powerful tyrant and emperor, Shao Kahn as he stared down Raiden.

Shao Kahn: Where are the Elder Gods, Raiden? Hahaha..

He laughed darkly mocking the gods as he walked to him and picked him up by his collar as he lifted him in the air making him stare at his eyes.

Shao Kahn: Their pathetic Mortal Kombat shackles me no longer.

He declared as he showed by back-fisting him four times as with each punch packed power and strength behind it. With one big throw, Shao Kahn tossed him in the air as Raiden was sent flying away. From on his robe his amulet fell down as it hit the ground smashing into pieces. Once Raiden hit the ground his body slid over to the edge of the pyramid they stood on as he slowly but painfully recovered as he tried sitting up.

Shao Kahn: They masquerade as dragons, but are mere toothless worms.

He says as he summons his hammer in his hand as it glowed with a sinister green aura as power radiated from it. Walking over to Raiden he stood over him as he watched as Raiden turned around on his back only for Shao Kahn to stomp his foot down on his chest.

Raiden: Agh.

Shao Kahn: My venom spreads. It is the end of all things. Armageddon.

He said as his body glowed with power as his eyes glowed a burning red seething with rage.

Raiden: Stop!

He pleaded as Shao Kahn looked down at him as he picked him up.

Shao Kahn: It is done. Your time has passed.

He said as he then threw him once more as the impact of his landing put a crack in the ground as Raiden slowly sat himself up from the ground.

Shao Kahn: Ages wasted in foolish resistance. Now is the dawn of my ruling.

He says, as Raiden looks down at the ground to see the pieces of his shattered amulet. Picking up the few pieces he could grab he began chanting a magic spell as from the pieces glowed a blue aura.

Shao Kahn: Hahaha. Yes. Pray to the worms, Raiden. As your world ends.

He said to him as he walked over and stood in front of him. As Raiden continued to chant his spell lightning began to seep out from his hands around the broken amulet as his voice started to echo as he chanted the spell. Holding up his hammer Shao Kahn prepared to smash his head in. But in his last moments Raiden raised his head as his eyes changed from a malevolent red to a light blue shade as lightning seeped from his eyes.

Raiden: He must win!

He says as Shao Kahn brings his hammer down only for reality to shift as a bolt of lightning was sent through a bluish whitish vortex of energy seeping through time and space. As this lightning was sent hurling back through time visions appeared as they were being stored inside of the lightning.

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