pt. 3 (angryness)

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guys idk if anyone even reads this and if its interesting for you but if you do please comment and stuff like that I WANT FEEDBACK (feedback on your own life? wow seriously emma)


If you are queer (gay, bi, pan, etc) you've might experienced a specific case too:

You are talking to persons about stuff, for example you talk with your parents about how the new dance class is:

I recently started taking dance class, we are all girls exept from one boy. As soon as I told my mom that this is the case, she asked me out about the boy with Questions like:

"How is he?"

"Is he nice?"

or even

"Is he handsome/pretty?"

Yes, this might be not that bad: Your mom shows interest on the people you dance with. Dont get me wrong:

She asked about him ONLY.

Not a single word about the girls from my moms mouth.

This is just one example there are many others but I think you get the point: She's assuming I only like boys.

People, I DONT. I like boys but not only, I like girls and every other gender too. Infact I don't care about the gender.

I am pan. (wohoo my first outingggg)

I really wish they wouldnt all assume that you are straight right away. Like bich, dont ignore the signs. I literally have a rainbow flag pinned on my wall -- you seriously think it has no meaning?



If you have any questions about anything PLEASE ask them. I would be very happy to help you.

I know this was ment to be a journal but if you have questions I will make a special part in this book and edit it every time to add your questions :)

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