pt. 2 (rumors?)

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Okay, so here I am people (yes i am still hoping that at least one person will find interest in my writings)


As the titel already says, I will tell you about some rumors but I wont spill to much details (when someone from my school finds this I am so dead 💀)

Did you ever got to a point where you heard two roumors about you in on a half week? this happened a few weeks ago to me: The first thing was that someone told everyone that me and my bestfriends were lesbians (spoiler: none of us is; some are queer tho) 

The next days were weird. When you walk past your classmates and feel something is different than before. Its the feeling like everyone stares at you and talks about you.

Only half a week later my bestfriend told me something during the break: "There are rumors that we are dating" To be fair: after the first rumor started spreading me and my bestfriend did not really stop things like cuddling in breaks when the other one froze or sometimes take the other ones hand, arm or whatever. We just didnt think someone would go that far.

Later, when she told me more detaills it made a bang inside my head. I dont know but i had bad headache the whole day. so basically someone asked my bestfriend (btw we are the same gender) if we were dating. He asked it nice (atleast they told me so) what is very surprising because he is normaly not the type to ask things nicely. 

so yeah we denied the second rumor and gave shit about the first. I almost forgot them but in some big break where my whole grade was going to eat something, someone i dont like made a comment. 

We were in some public rooms with many tables:

me and my friends sat on on table and closely next to our table there was another, which wasnt occupied by anyone yet. Some people from my grade came by looked at the free table and then at ours and said 

"NO. I wont sit *there* ! GROSS"

What disgusts me the most about this is: The person who said this is bisexual herself.

Like what the Heck? Why are you hating on people you really dont know in first place and in second: we are from the same community we shouldnt hate each other because of fucking *QUEER* stuff ans *QUEER* people.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyways, i hope you ennjoyed reading this, i will try to update it at least every third day. I think next I will either talk about something that made me angry with myself and with other people or with a struggle I still have. (I could need help on that part fr)

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