hello again

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its been a long time and i havent been really active anywhere lately.

*short note* in case anyone found my instagram acc "sae_tonight": i am very sorry but i had to delete and deactivate it. ofc i am still on instagram but not with my music persona. if someone is still interested in me making music youu can find me on whatsapp (whatsapp channels) as "sae" i will start posting in case someone starts following me so no worries. 

you could also send me a dm request on my insta acc "lyricsby.emma" i will accept you and start posting about my music there 

thank you


i actually got back here for a reason: 

you remember when i told you about my girl crush (in the past parts)? well its been 4 months and we havent really talked. 

but i have another problem: i have the feeling i am slowly falling in love with my best friend. i am really scared because we cuddle and all that stuff but i have the fear that i might scare her or she puts her back at me. (she is also the one whom i had rumors with (i forgot the codenames i gave the people))

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