Episode 5: The Haunted Watchtower! With Old Enemies!

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Ash, Sonia, and Hop are still traveling through the wild area. Sonia points out they're halfway to Motostoke, but then a rainstorm appears. The trio are soaked, and quickly ran somewhere to get dry. They've found an Old Ruin Watch Tower and ran inside, but little did they know is Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet are also in the watchtower, but they haven't bump into each other yet.

Pikachu and Yamper shake to get dry. They need to stay in the Tower until the rain is gone, but what will they do until now? Pikachu senses some pokemon in this tower, and it's full of different ghost type pokemon. Example: Ghastly, Driftloon, Phantump, and Duskull.
The Ghost pokemon use their Ghost abilities to frighten the Trio.

Meanwhile, with Team Rocket, they're hungry and wander around to look for food. They found a little teacup, and James loved tea and went to take a sip. But when James takes a sip, he immediately spits it out because the taste was nasty. But the teacup was actually a Pokemon called Sinistea, and it's angry for James trying to drink it and attacks with a Shadow Ball. More Ghost pokemon appears, and Chase Team Rocket.

Back with The Gang, they tried to run away from the Ghost pokemon. Pikachu uses Electro-Web to trap them, and it worked, but the Ghost phase through the net holes. Then, the Trio and Team Rocket ran and bumped into each other.
Ash and Team Rocket are shocked to see each other in Galar.

Team Rocket then said their usual introduction Motto.

Ash: "Team Rocket!"

Hop: "Who's Team Rocket?"

Ash: "They're bad guys who always steal other people's pokemon!"

Hop: "What?!"

Sonia: "Oh my gosh, A Talking Meowth!"

Sonia is more happy to see a Talking Meowth, and she quickly ran and hugs Meowth tightly (in which Meowth enjoys very well). Jessie grabbed Meowth away from her, and Meowth was a little irritated.

Meowth: "Hey, I was enjoying that!"

Team Rocket now plans to steal Pikachu and Yamper. They're not going to let that happen! Hop sends out his Chewtle. Meowth realized that's the same Chewtle that took their sandwich and blasted them off.

Meowth: "Hey, wait a minute... That's the same stinking sandwich snatching runt!"

Chewtle teased them, and Meowth is furious. Meowth wants to get revenge on the Chewtle, and they let him. A Battle between Hop's Chewtle and Meowth begins! Meowth goes for a Scratch, Chewtle protected itself with Protect and goes for a strong Water Gun and sends Meowth back. Hop complimented Chewtle's Water Gun and told him to go for another one. Wobbuffet steps in and uses Mirror Coat to retaliate back the water gun, and that hitted Chewtle hard and defeat it.

Hop: "Chewtle!"

Sonia sends out Yamper and commands Yamper to use Spark. Yamper uses Spark, but Wobbuffet uses Counter and bounce Yamper back and defeats it.

Sonia: "Yamper!"

Both Yamper and Chewtle are defeated.
Ash and Pikachu step in, and Pikachu uses Electro-Web on Wobbuffet, and It got electrocuted and trapped. Pikachu uses a hard Thunderbolt and defeats Wobbuffet.
Pikachu was about to use Thunderbolt on Team Rocket, but the ground was shaking, and then the ground erupted another Dynamax Den and hits the same Sinistea that was chasing Team Rocket and turn Dynamax, and the ghost Pokémon ran away frightened.

 They need to stop that Sinistea. Ash and Pikachu handled it on their own. Sinistea uses Max-Phantasm, Pikachu uses Quick Attack to dodge the Floating objects and hits Sinistea on the head with Iron Tail, and that actually hurts it. Hop wants to help out too, so he uses his Dynamax Band and Dynamax his Wooloo and commands Him to use Max Strike, but Sinistea is a Ghost Type and Max-Strike is a normal move meaning the move had no effect; Hop forgot. Sinistea now uses Max-Darkness, but Wooloo used Max Guard to protect himself and Pikachu. Since Wooloo doesn't have any moves to hit Sinistea, He's most likely useless. But then Meowth swipes Hop's Dynamax Band, Made Wooloo reverse back to normal size. Meowth gives it to James and tells him to use his Pokeball to catch the Sinistea. James put on the Dynamax Band and pulled out His Pokeball. It turns big and struggles to lift it on his own, but with the help of Jessie, they threw the big Pokeball and Catch the Sinistea. Team Rocket Assume the Sinistea will remain Dynamax and use it to attack Ash and the two. Ash is worried, but not Sonia and Hop. James sends out Sinistea, but it has its small size again, and that made Team Rocket super confused. Ash then commands Pikachu to use a massive Thunderbolt, Electrocute Team Rocket, and they blast off in the sky like usual, but at least James is happy to have a Sinistea, and Sinistea feels the same way (Sonia and Hop are a little confused).

Hop: "Where did they go?"

Ash: "I don't know, but i do know for the fact that We're not going to see the last of them."

After that, The Ghost Pokemon came out from hiding, and they apologized for scaring the trio. The more good news is that the rain has finally ended and they can go, but it's Night. The Ghost pokemon allows them to sleep for the night and gives them some berries to eat. The episode ends with The Gang and their Pokemon eating the berries and rest for tomorrow.

To Be Continued.

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