Episode 13: The Ingenious Blipbug! Small but Smart!

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Ash, Sonia, and Hop are now in Route 4, They're almost there to Turffield. But first, they decided to stop and take a break. They decided to have lunch. Sonia and Hop are planning to create Curry. Ash is confused about it, but Sonia tells Ash that Curry is a very popular Dish in Galar, and now Ash really wants to try it. So now The Trio is going to make Curry together. Luckily, they have a big black pot for the Curry (don't ask where they got it) they got the ingredients, and now they need some berries, which will give the Curry flavor. The trio found a berry tree, and they picked the berries off the tree. As Sonia was about to pick off a sitrus berry, a small Pokémon landed on her hand, and it was the Larva Pokémon, Blipbug, and then Sonia scream and shake the Blipbug off her hand. Sonia backs away from the tree and shakes frighteningly.

Ash: "Who's that pokemon?"

Ash looks it up with the Rotom Phone, and the phone tells him it's a Blipbug.

Sonia: "Bug Pokémon creep me out!"

Ash: "That line reminds me of an old friend I used to travel with."

Sonia: "Let's go! We got enough berries!"

The Trio leaves, but not before Yamper gives Blipbug a berry, which Blipbug appreciated. Sonia quickly called Yamper, and he rushed back to the others. Now that they have enough berries, they can now make the curry. The pot is filled with stew, they put the berries on the stew, and now the 3 uses labels to stir it. Ash is stirring too fast, and he's making a mess. Hop is stirring too slow, and Sonia is stirring it just right, but she's scolding them for not stirring it right and tells them to stir it right. Next is they need to fan the Fire with fans. Ash is now fanning it too slow, and Hop is fanning too fast, and that cost the fire to grow big and create smoke and burning the Stew. Luckily, Hop sends out his Chewtle and uses Water Gun to put out the fire. A few minutes later, the curry is finally finished, but a small smoke is rising from the curry. Sonia feels a bit worried it's going to taste bad, but Ash brushes it off. They send out their pokemon to try out the curry. They all take a scoop and taste it. The trio found the taste bitter with hesitant to spit it out, but the Pokémon seem to like it. They're glad to see the Pokémon enjoying it.

As Yamper was eating, the same Blipbug came back and wanted to try the Curry. Yamper gives it the Curry, and Blipbug finds the taste bitter. Sonia spots the Blipbug next to Yamper, and she's a little surprised to see it again, though she still doesn't like seeing bug types near her or her Yamper. Ash believes Yamper likes the Blipbug and suggests she should catch it. Sonia is a bit hesitant, but suddenly, all the Pokémon, except Dragapult, has been trapped in an electrical cage and been pulled up in the meowth hot air balloon

Team Rocket says their usual motto and the Trio are mad to see them again.

Hop: "You guys again?!"

Meowth: "That's right!"

Sonia: "Give us back our Pokémon!"

Jessie: "Not a chance, twerpette!"

Ash: "You're not going anywhere!" 

Ash commands Dragapult to attack them to get the Pokémon back, but James then traps Dragapult in a huge electric net, shocking it in the process. Every time Dragapult moves, it will get electrocuted. Team Rocket jump for joy they now have all the Pokémon, and they use a smoke ball and use it to smoke to get away. This is bad because how will the trio get their Pokémon back? Ash tells Sonia and Hop not to worry because he knows Pikachu will get them out. He lets them know that whenever Pikachu is in a jam with Team Rocket, he always managed to bust himself out.

To Team Rocket, who is once again having a picnic in celebration for capturing Pikachu and the rest. The Pokémon are still trapped in the cage. Pikachu tried to break the cage with Iron Tail, but the cage was too sturdy to break. Then, Team Rocket fell asleep without a worried the Pokémon won't escape. However, this gave the Pokémon a huge opportunity to figure out how to get out, but still, how will they get out? That's when Blipbug steps and has a solution. Since he's so small, he managed to slip through the bars. Blipbug now has to find the remote, but it happens to be inside Jessie's pocket. Luckily, Team Rocket is asleep, so he Blipbug slowly crawls to Jessie, reaches her pants pocket, and pulls out the remote. It now pushes the button, and now the Pokémon are free, and now they need to escape. But first, Dragapult needs to be out of the electric net. Blipbug tells Yamper to bite the electric net. Since Yamper is an electric type, the shock won't hurt him.

Team Rocket woke up and saw it's a jailbreak, and now they enter battle mode to stop them. James sends out his Sinistea for battle. Luckily, Pikachu got this as he battled Sinistea, Meowth, and Wobbuffet at the same time, with the help of the other pokemon. Pikachu had to deal with Wobbuffet counter and Mirror coat, which is making Pikachu struggle. Blipbug sees this as Yamper is still trying to rip the net to free Dragapult. Blipbug tells Pikachu to use Electro Web, but do it from behind Wobbuffet. Wobbuffet uses Mirror coat to deflect the move but accidentally traps the bad guys and shocking them.

Meowth, and Sinistea then decides to attack the Blipbug, but Yamper isn't going to let them hurt it and lands a huge Spark on Meowth and Sinistea that pushed them back to Wobbuffet and also get caught in the Electro Web. Pikachu then uses Thunderbolt on Team Rocket and blast them off again.

After that, Pikachu and Yamper frees Dragapult from the net. Now Dragapult carries all the Pokémon including Blipbug, and takes them back to the good guys. Luckily, Ash, Sonia, and Hop found them all free from Team Rocket. The Pokémon runs back to their Trainers, happy to see them again.

Ash: "I knew you guys would get out!"

The Pokémon tells them it was Blipbug who helped them escape and beat Team Rocket. The trio is impressive, and now that they have their pokemon back, they can continue their journey. They say goodbye to Blipbug and leave. Yamper looks back at Blipbug and knows Blipbug, feeling loneliness. Yamper then stops Sonia, and then he runs and picks up Blipbug and brings it to her.

Sonia: "Yamper, what are you doing?"

Ash: "I think I know what's going on: Yamper wants you to catch the Blipbug!"

Hop: "You should totally catch it! Blipbugs are very smart, and this guy can be a huge assistant to you."

Sonia: "Is that true, Yamper?"

Yamper nods yes, and Blipbug is eargely happy to join Sonia. Sonia thinks about it, and although bug types still give her the creeps, she honestly sees good help from Blipbug. Blipbug did help the Pokémon, so Sonia agreed to catch it. Sonia throws the Pokeball at Blipbug, and Blipbug is caught!

Sonia: "I just caught a Blipbug!"

Ash: "Great Catch, Sonia!"

Hop: "This is really the first time I see you have another pokemon with besides Yamper."

Sonia: "Well, I never bother being a pokemon trainer."

Ash: "Why?"

Sonia: "I don't want to talk about it. But hey, let's get going!"

Ash and Hop are both confused but shortly get over it. Now, the trio continue their journey, with Sonia walking away with her new Pokémon, Blipbug.

To be continued.

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