chapter 01

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a/n: I suck at writing beware, also I love cindy with all my heart! She's literally the sweetest but for the sake of this story being very much canon (so real) we won't like her in this story.


Chapter 01: The newbie

When Christopher Herrmann had found out that a new candidate would be joining them at Firehouse 51, he was probably the least bit pleased. He had just gotten used to Gallo being around and his newish candidate on engine, Darren Ritter. Both are nice kids but he couldn't stand having another kid around the house, especially since he's had 5 kids of his own.

To tell you the truth, Christopher took in Darren as his own when he joined Engine 51, him and Cindy had gotten a divorce not too long before Darren had joined engine. They had been married for years, raising all 5 of their kids together, for the most part. But then Christopher had found out that Cindy was filing for divorce, and intends on taking all 5 of his kids with her and not letting Christopher see them whatsoever. Cindy claimed that Christopher had cheated on her and had abused her for most of their marriage, which makes no sense because why would you have 5 kids with your husband if he had abused you.

Christopher was beyond shocked and heartbroken when he found out Cindy was wrongfully taking away all 5 of his kids away from him under such false circumstances. Christopher was a loving and loyal husband, haven never once cheated on his wife in any way shape or form. Christopher assumes that Cindy was actually the one to cheat on him, but he didn't care about that at the time.

Of course the whole firehouse had his back when this news broke out, everyone supported him through this and tried to fight for him, though he told them not to. Christopher started falling into bad habits, like drinking and getting drunk out of his mind that he needed one of his friends to drive him to his shitty small apartment that he had to rent during the divorce trial. Christopher was falling apart, and he still is to this day. Cindy filed for divorce a little over 6 months ago and Christopher hasn't been able to see his kids since.

Never mind that, Christopher treasured Darren and was always scared he was gonna lose him, though Darren tried to comfort Christopher at every chance he got, it wasn't enough. Everyone throughout the firehouse tried comforting him but Christopher always pushed back and told everyone that he's fine, which is incorrect.

Christopher got snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Chief Boden tell everyone to go to the apparatus floor so they can all meet the new candidate. Christopher sighed and put his thoughts all smushed back up into his head and stood up from his bunk and headed out to the apparatus floor. Once he got there, everyone else was already waiting for the new candidate to show up. Christopher walked over to go and stand next to Darren and crossed his arms and sighed.

"Hey lieutenant, not excited for the new candidate?" Darren asked him with a cheery voice.

"Not really..." he grumbled under his breath, Darren looked at him and sighed a little, then looked back up at the driveway to the firehouse.

"Oh god, please let her be hot, please!" Blake whispered-exclaimed and got hit in the shoulder by Sylvie.

"Guys! I was joking! kind of..." Blake yelled to let the firehouse know, some people laughed but turned their attention to the person walking up the firehouse driveway.

"Oh!" Blake said out loud. Christopher could faintly here the people of the firehouse whispering and giggling around him. Looking up from the floor he could see a tall, strong and broad figure walking through the firehouse doors, that's when he realized the new candidate is a guy.

"Great, even more testosterone levels in here." Christopher thought in his head.

After introducing himself to the Chief, Boden had told him to introduce himself to everyone else, and so the new candidate did so.

"Hi everyone I'm Nathan Bailey, I just recently graduated from the Chicago Fire Academy, top of my class I might add." The new candidate, Nathan smirked.

"As you might've been able to tell, yes I am British, but I've been living here in Chicago for a while now and when I tell you, it's much different than England, that's by a longshot. Anyways, I'm excited to be here and work with you guys and excited to join truck! Woohoo!" Nathan did a little 'woohoo' at the end as a gag and some of the firefighters laughed.

Nathan then went and shook hands with everyone, shaking Darren's hand last, as after that he got to Christopher, Christopher didn't notice that he was standing right in front of him with his hand held out waiting for a handshake. Christopher yet again had his eyes to the floor and when he looked up he caught the other man gazing at him, sort of like checking him out? Which Christopher thought was really creepy and weird. Christopher always knew he was bisexual, but never really experimented since he was with Cindy for almost his whole life.

"Oh.. um- hi, I'm Nathan Bailey, truck's new candidate nice to meet you..." Nathan dragged out not knowing Christopher's name. Christopher didn't answer so Darren had to answer for him.

"Christopher Herrmann, he's engine 51's lieutenant. He's not usually like this sorry." Darren replied to Nathan.

"Oh great! Nice to meet you Christopher, glad to be working with you!" Nathan said and winked at Christopher.

"It's lieutenant to you candidate." Christopher gruffed out and finally made contact with Nathan and shook his hand firmly, taking Nathan by surprise.

"Yes sir." Nathan said and saluted jokingly, which didn't get any laughs from Christopher, though Darren giggled a bit and Christopher glared at him.

"Sorry Chris." Darren told him, getting the attention of Nathan.

"How come he gets to call you 'Chris?'" Nathan asked, which made Christopher snap his head around and get in his face.

"Only Darren is allowed to call me Chris, you will call me lieutenant, is that understood?" Christopher yelled, gathering the attention of everyone else on the apparatus floor.

"Sorry lieutenant, duly noted." Nathan gulped and walked over to Casey.

Christopher grumbled loudly and stomped back into the firehouse, still catching the attention of everyone watching him storm out. Darren assures everyone that Christopher is fine and quickly runs after him.


a/n: i was giggling writing this bc this side of herrmann is HOT. ok anyways enjoy bye.

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