chapter 02

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a/n: picking up where we left off in chapter 01.


chapter 02: why is he obsessed with me?


"you looking for a guy that'll treat you right
have you looking for him in the daytime with the light
you might be the type if i play my cards right
i'll find out by the end of the night"


Christopher had stomped off towards the bathroom and gripped his hands on the sides of the sink and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Damn I look rough." Christopher thought to himself, but not before the bathroom door opened and he was met with Darren looking at him.

"What's wrong Chris?" Darren softly asked Christopher, gently placing a hand on his shoulder.

"That new candidate, he's already getting on my last nerve." Christopher replied.

"Yeah... he seems a bit cocky, don't let him get under your skin though, okay?" Darren told him and Christopher nodded, following Darren out of the bathroom.

Christopher and Darren headed to the kitchen to get themselves some cups of coffee, after the beginning of the shift they had, meeting the new candidate and all. After they got their coffees they both sat down at the round table and watched whatever Mouch had on tv. 

A few minutes later Christopher heard chatting moving closer to him, he realized it was the new candidate and Casey. What's the new candidates name again? oh yeah, it's Nathan Bailey or something. Christopher never understood why some people have first names as their last names as well. Christopher suddenly heard a chair screech on the floor and realized Nathan-no Bailey had sat down at the round table with him and Darren. 

"Hey lieutenant, I'd like to apologize for my behavior earlier. I'd like to re-introduce myself, hi, I'm Nathan Bailey, nice to meet you." Nathan apologized and Christopher looked at him and then looked at Darren and Darren nodded at him, like he wanted Christopher to do something.

"I'm sorry too, I apologize for my attitude towards you before, I've just been going through some personal stuff recently." Christopher apologized and he saw Nathan smile.

"It's alright, I understand, I hope we can start over. Anyways, I better get back to Captain Casey, see you later love." Nathan said that last part as more of a whisper and quickly got up out of his chair and walked out of the room, to say Christopher's mouth was hung wide open was an understatement. He caught Darren laughing and gave him a stern look.

"You heard him too right?" Christopher nervously asked Darren, Darren stopped laughing and coughed.

"Yes, yes I did in fact, I think that guy has a thing for you Chris, if I'm being honest with you." Darren replies with a grin, making Christopher have yet another shocked look on his face. 

+-~+-~ Darren's POV ~-+~-+

I couldn't believe what i had just heard from Nathan, I was still trying to hold back laughter after what he said to Chris, thinking he was slick since he whispered it. I thought he was very bold to assume Chris was into guys.

"No, no Darren! What does he mean by that? 'love'. I'm literally so confused!" Chris semi-yells nervously at me, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically, and gets some head turns from other people in the room. Chris had told me he was bisexual after Cindy had filed for the divorce, but he told me he had never been in a relationship with a guy before.

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