chapter 03

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chapter 03: you look nice today!


+-~+-~ Christopher's POV ~-+~-+

It was the next day, Saturday, I didn't have a shift today which I was happy about because after the day I had yesterday, I don't think I could handle anymore of that Bailey kid within 24 hours. For some reason I had left the curtains to my only window in my apartment open, so when the light came in from the sun, it hit me directly in the face.

I groaned and rolled over the sun wasn't in my face anymore, I heard a text notification sound coming from my sound, I dreaded who it could be because I didn't really want to go out today. I sat up and looked at my phone to see who the text was from and it was from Darren. 


* Darren *

hey chris! hopefully i didn't wake u up, u should be up anyways btw 😈. was wondering if u wanna go out today with me and some of the guys. it's alright if u dont feel up to it. also dont worry nathan isnt coming with us lol. :)

Sent at 11:21 AM.


I chuckled a little reading the last part of the text, Darren assuring that Bailey isn't going. Then I groaned and threw my head back on my pillow, not knowing how to reply to Darren's text. I really did hate letting Darren down and saying that I'm busy, which is a lie, I just never felt like going out. I'd much rather just sit my dark apartment and drink, which I know isn't the best but was the only thing that made me feel better. 

I started typing out an excuse to not go out, but then deleted it, debating on how to answer him. I decided to actually say yes to his offer of going out with some of the guys today.


* Darren *

hey chris! hopefully i didn't wake u up, u should be up anyways btw 😈. was wondering if u wanna go out today with me and some of the guys. it's alright if u dont feel up to it. also dont worry nathan isnt coming with us lol. :)

Sent at 11:21 AM.

                                                                                  Hey Darren, that sounds good, where should I meet you?

                                                                                                                                                                    Sent at 11:27 AM.


Almost immediately after I replied to Darren's text, I saw that he was already typing back.


* Darren *

hey chris! hopefully i didn't wake u up, u should be up anyways btw 😈. was wondering if u wanna go out today with me and some of the guys. it's alright if u dont feel up to it. also dont worry nathan isnt coming with us lol. :)

Sent at 11:21 AM.

                                                                                  Hey Darren, that sounds good, where should I meet you?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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