Her house pt2

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It's only me and Ms.cartman in the house now. what do I do now, that kid really ran off before I could say anything. He's with Kyle and Stan and Kenny, it's so adorable to see kids being cute. I slowly get up, my legs are falling asleep from sitting so long. I stretch my legs slowly before walking over to the kitchen to talk to his mother. "...Hey...Ms.Cartman, Eric just went outside. Thankfully, he's done with the work! So I'll be leaving now, yes?" I remember her mention of paying me earlier, but I don't really need it. I love money but as long as the school board thinks I'm a good teacher, and I did something useful today, I'm happy. "Oh! No-no-no-no no! I have to pay you dear! You've been such a great help, thanks for coming and helping my little Eric with his work!" I'm quite happy with this, she said this with such a sweet tone, she's kind of cute?! How fun. I'm glad I'll be getting payed for this, but the problem is how much I'll be payed. "Oh Ms.cartman you dont have t-" I was cut off, Liane hands me 20 bucks. "Aw thanks! You're so sweet Ms.Cartman. You don't have to!" I blurted out, once again. "Don't mention it dear! Eric hasn't been this well behaved in a while!" I feel sorry for the woman. THIS is the best behavior from Eric in a while? THATS insane. "Oh well I'm happy to hear that your son is showing a improvement in behavior!" I tried to sound as professional as I could. I'm just hoping Ms.Cartman hasn't lost her mind, honestly. "I hope you can come here more often! It'd be so nice to see my little Eric improving. You know how by is at this point don't you,dear?" She seemed to call me dear without thinking. I felt my skin heat up, I felt myself heat up. She's just so beautiful. Im mesmerized. I have to shake myself out of this trance-like state. She's just a woman. god! why am I so hormonal these days?! "I'll try to see you more often! I'd like to see Eric improve! Plus you're really nice!!" I don't mean to seem so awkward, I'm sure no one does. Liane smiled, though. For the most part, I think I sounded all teacher-y though. "Why thank you! Youve said that before, I'm sure."  Damn, I can't have a normal conversation. Liane continued. "Infact, I think I need to thank you properly."  I blush heavily, my mind is racing, my heart is pounding in my chest. I'm so dirty minded. Despite my lack of self composition, that was painfully obvious, liane continued. "You alright dear? I was just thinking there'd be a obvious way to repay you! Maybe we should become closer friends."  She batted her eyelashes, she was blushing too. She had a smile on her face, but she didn't have the same aura, if that could describe her. "Oh I'd- love to become closer Ms.cartman! That'd be really nice! And uhhh don't worry about repaying me!!" my voice quieted, thinned, at the end of my sentence. I didn't want to sound like I didn't like being rewarded, everyone does. Liane put her hand on my forearm. "But dear, I feel obligated to pay you! And it's a way we could come closer~ I'm sure you know what I mean~ don't you want to make me happy?" Liane purred, her voice deepening. She was blushing, she herself a little nervous. She smelled sweet, but she had a faint indescribable smell almost like alcohol? I mean, it would make sense. I looked away, trying to play it cool. I chuckled nervously. "Well I would like to make you happy Ms.cartman-
I couldn't finish, Liane grabbed my hand and nodded. "Good girl!~ I'm sure you know just how to do that."  She said, sounding relieved I'd said yes. I couldn't take this anymore, was this really happening?! Am I delusional?! "Do I know what you mean?" I chuckled nervously, hoping I didn't sound weird. I probably did. "Well, I think we both want a good time~" Liane looked at me her gaze softening. Liane was pressing my hand just a tad bit tighter. She gave me a wink. "May I kiss you?" She said she looked almost as nervous as I was. I nodded and leaned in. She smiled and leaned in, just giving me a peck on the lips transferring her lipstick to my lips. "You look red, dear. You alright?" She said sweetly teasing me. "oh~ I'm fine!" I replied. I wasn't. I was feeling way too aroused. Aroused. Of all feelings, I was aroused the most. But I was feeling oh so many things at once. "If you're fine...If you're fine, then I'm sure you won't chicken out on taking things a little further. Right hon?~" Liane whispered, wrapping her arms around my waist. "No Ms.Cartman... no liane. We-we can take this as far as you'd like." I surrendered myself to her with these words. She doesn't seem like the type of person to take advantage of my surrender and twist it into a boundless pleasure-fest for herself. She's just a woman. She doesn't seem like one to so cruelly ravage me without asking for my opinions, my permission, my consent first. She isn't. She is truely a sweetheart. I didn't know this, I don't know the lady well. But she's just a very kind woman. From my perspective at least.
"Aww~ You're so sweet!! Why thank you for your permission dear. I'd love to get to know you. Come dear, we can have some real fun."  She motioned for me to follow her. I walked behind her. She pulled me up the stairs. "Mhm. Fun, that sounds interesting! I'd like to get to know more. You seem so interesting Ms.cartman!...Im sorry, I should say liane!" I said. I'm worried I sound like a character with set dialogue in a video game. But my tone does sound slightly flirty. I'm trying to flirt. "I'm sure it will be interesting. I'll try to make it fun dear~...You can call me whatever you'd like dear. Be it Ms.cartman, liane, babe...or even mommy!" She giggled at the 'absurdity' of her statement.
When we opened her bedroom door, I scanned the room. The room smelled like...cigarettes, and sweets, and flowers? The room was...it wasn't chilly, but I felt like I could breathe. The air wasn't dense, if that's the word, but the air wasn't cold nor was it humid. It was just right. Her room wasn't clean. There was ..items... on her desk. Just some stuff a lady would want for pleasure. The stuff was composed like a art piece, almost like it was decoration. A photo of herself there, a toy here, this container of liquid here, and a toy here, a picture of mountains here, a toy there, and a picture of herself here. But the thing that caught my eye was the white lines of powder laid out in various places of the room. It made me worried for her. She's a grown woman, she can do what she wants. Her room was sort of organized for the most part. Her room was so...innocent despite the taboo items scattered neatly around it. But those little odd items made my general impression of the room unclean. A jacket was on the floor, a jacket and heels. A jacket on the left side of the room, a long skirt on the left, a lipstick tube under the desk, a eyeshadow blush and makeup blender on the floor by the mirror. She cleaned, it was obvious that she did. Maybe for a sense of control.
"You're ready dear? you're sure?" she whispered, her singsong voice mesmerizing me.
I sat on the bed. My legs crisscrossed. I nodded in curiosity. "I think I- I am. I am. I'm ready. We can do what'd you'd like."
"Very well then dear.

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