3 - October 8, 2023

13 2 0

I wanted to tell you I loved you

I wanted to tell you all I felt for you

would you have listened?

Does everybody hide something?

a deep dark secret?

like a mystery beneath the sea? a locked chest wrapped in the chains of their lies?

I like the thought of that

why do they hide them? Im not sure if everyone has one...I don't know if I do

what do we hide? Why do we hide? Why do we fear?

simple questions, okay questions

I can't come up with deep and meaningful ones

I wanna be a great thinker

like a person who thinks all the time

unable to untie the rope of guilt

strings of my history stitching me together (?)

ocean waves crashing onto the shore like the lace of mother nature's dress

the way the wind sings its story

memories that only you can recall

like waves crashing against a broken heart (?)

I like to read books

only when I feel a certain way

only when a certain vibe is in the air

it feels romantic

no. its not romantic

its another feeling. how do I describe it?

liminal? dreamy? Unreal?

probably unreal

maybe (?)

in my opinion,

that feeling is somewhat connected to nature

in a way?

I don't know  its really hard for me to describe

waves? oceans? Jungles?

there's words I dislike for some reason

like 'jungle'

it doesn't sound right. sounds wrong

rainforest is a more beautiful word than jungle. in my opinion

I hate the word 'flock'

its weird. it gives me a weird vibe

like the rush of cold wind on a sunny day

or maybe the warm atmosphere under a cloudy sky

I also hate the word 'hedge'

I can go on and on

because I hate lots of words

I hate it when they appear in a book

is it just me?

being crazy gives me freedom >.<

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