4 - October 11, 2023

10 2 0

I love you

like the moon loves the sun?

I love you more than that


I wanna be like her

so beautiful

so kind

if I were like her

I would be happy

I wanna be happy

I wanna rejoice under in dandelions on summer afternoons




sometimes I feel so happy I swear somebody could throw me into the washing machine and I wouldn't care

how do I unleash deja vu? its following me everywhere




I had a strange dream of a girl with long white hair

I don't know how I remember this

I know I was very young when I had this dream

maybe 3-5

or younger

I dreamed of a real place I've been before

it was a playground

now that I recall it, the dream seems scary now

it was a small play place in the middle of a mall

a mall several stories up

the mall was empty and was grey

except for the playground

the playground was colorful

and surrounding the playground was a short blue wall

there were five human-like creatures in black

they chased me and the girl around the playground

I can barely recall every detail as days go by

but I remember specifically a part where they chased us down the swirly slide

what could it mean??

I'm scared of being trapped in a dream loop again


this is one of the strangest dreams I've ever had

it happened two times, actually

ill tell you the first time

it's hard to describe to you what the dream was about

I REMEMBER but the moment I try to remember the details, it slips from my grasp

the images are blurry

okay ill tell you

it was about me and a couple other of my close friends in a world

it was not our world

it was a world with some sort of hero that turned out to be a villain

we were trapped in a cave

or came here

im not sure but

there was a big wide hole with some sort of a blue ring around it

the cavern has rocks

strangely, there was a hallway in one of the walls

we entered it and found that the halls led to colorful rooms

each room a single color

I remember a blue room at the very end of the hall

it looked very similar to my parent's room

but that was not the room I went into first

I was sure I went to an orange room

or a green room

I can't really remember

I don't really remember what the room looked like either

I just know that room, whatever it was like,

was very similar to something

it's hard to describe the feelings I feel dreaming

there was also a purple room

but I went into the blue room

the blue room had a bathroom opposite the door

I remember that there was someone in the room with me too

and they were in the bathroom looking around or something

then I see a cabinet on my right

and some sort of book on it

I suddenly had the urge to draw in it

so the next person who found it will wonder

'who drew all of this?'

so I did

I drew in it

oh, and, I remember I felt fear in this dream

a small amount a fear along with anxiety


then my dream ended.

this dream repeated twice. Several years apart.

ill talk about the second time it happened

it was different, though

the same events happened

but this time, some part of the dream was different

the book

it was filled with drawings and writings

my drawings.

my writing.

the drawings I remember drawing exactly.

then I walk over to the start of the hall 

and I enter the green room

I see all my friends sitting on the bed

some on the couch

some on the carpet on the floor

then my dream ended


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