Day 5 | Flower

122 9 16

AU: Gemstone Brothers
Type: Fluff
Characters: Sabre (Jade), Orange (Citrine), "motherflower" (aka the orange crystal in human form)
Note: The flowers are named after different stones in their world

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Third person POV

It was bright sunny day in the land so dreamy with pastel colours painting the land. The two brothers tied each others' hair with flowers in colours various. The older brother with eyes like fire opal and topaz hair was combing the younger one's garnet hair, his brilliant diamond white-silver eyes closed against the warm sun rays.

"How do you like some ocean green ones in your hair, Jade?" The older asked in their Prism language.

"Of course, Citrine! I love them! So pretty and green and turns blue too in light!" Jade was thrilled and exited over the coloured petals about to be tied into his hair. It was the most loveliest of colours for him, and he was glad his brother knew it. "Does it mean I can braid feldspars or tangerine quartz ones to yours?!"

Citrine laughed, "You've already stuffed my hair full of em! But you can make a a flower crown! How about that?"

Jade gasped. "Ooooo, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I would love to make one for you! Lemme get the flowers already!"

"But-" Citrine didn't finish as Jade already jumped up and ran to a small patch of flowers near a cave, hidden by a tree line, "I haven't finished braiding your hair though." He huffed softly and waited for his brother's return. It didn't take him long until he was running back like a cheerful child and showed him his findings.

He named all the flowers he recognised and knew, but then also pointed out: "AND I also found this!" He showed his example figure an ominously purple gem with red outlines. "This is unlike any flower I've seen, do you know what it is brother?" Jade was curious, innocent to any knowledge of the gem.

"Hmm..." Citrine looked at the gem in deep thought, puzzled. "No.. I don't think I have." He then brightened up. "But mum might know! And if not, you've just made a discovery!"

Both were overflowing with excitement and ran back to their house to tell their mom, a lovely figure just like the kids. She was quite tall, towering over her saplings, but not in a frightening manner. Her long orange-yellow tipped hair set loosely over her humble shoulders, in perfect harmony with her shining crystal-like sunstone skin. "Oh, hello there my dears," she knelt down and hugged them gently, "Did you find something?" Her soft, kind eyes glowed brightly like orange diamonds.

"Yes, motherflower, yes motherflower, we did!" They exclaimed in union and showed her the new gem. "Do you know what this is? We haven't seen that before!"

"Motherflower" chuckled and looked at them with that one mother face and asked with that one mother voice: "You haven't been to the cave flower patch, have you?" Jade shrunk in a bit of shame or childish embarrassment while Citrine proudly shook his head. "Jade?"

"S'rry, ma'..." he mumbled, looking down. Mother stroke his head. "Yes, I do know what this is, but it was meant to be there to stay hidden. That's why I've asked you to stay away that patch."

"What is it then, ma?" Citrine asked. She sighed.

"It's actually a key, a gateway to another world." The kids gasped.

"Another world?!"

"Yes, the world where I actually come from." She smiled softly, yet sorrow seemed to stain it. "I freed myself and came here. It's a world you don't want to go back to."

"Huh, why?" Citrine wondered, tilting his head.

"Are there baddies..?" Jade asked sadly, worried ad scared.

"..Yeah... And lots of them... I was lucky to escape mostly in one piece." She tried to not remember the times back in the original chromatic world.

"Mostly? Are you hurt?!" Jade almost yelled and hugged her mother quicker than an ice bird dives into water, followed by Citrine. Their mum smiled at their caring actions.

"No... hehe, no, I'm not hurt. I'm fine and okay." She smiled reassuringly. "I was in three pieces and the two small pieces are you guys!" She tickled them, evoking laughter to replace the sadness. "You two grew out of them, and your the best pieces of me! Citrine and Jade - you boys I adore and will love until the end of time!" They made a family group hug, comforting each other and letting the feeling of safety grow in them like a flower blooming in the sun.

Meanwhile, the gem on the floor, dark and dull, then glowed in their shadow.


Sabre panted as he made it through the purple portal, redstone surrounding it. It was quite a close call. Almost too close.

Now all he had to do was figure out where was, what he was, what's going on and where's his buddy-brother.

He found out he was in a house of a Red Steve. He freaked out, never having seen a Steve before - or himself in whatever form was he (a human) - and sprinted out of the house. He ran so long through a thick forest that he actually lost the red one chasing him. His luck didn't run much longer as he tripped over a root and face planted down.

"Is he okay?" He heard a familiar language and voice talk to himself to which he immediately raised his head and looked around to see where the voice was.

"Citrine?!" He called out after he couldn't see anyone near. Then, there noises of leaves crunching on the ground from his left and he looked over to see a familiar figure to Red Steve before but he was orange instead. The boy's (they are teenagers now) fire opal eyes stared at him on the ground to where he thought his eyes would be since the person was wearing a blindfold.

"Jade?" He asked cautiously, but it was eased as soon as Sabre smiled widely and stood up to hug him.



"Oh, shush, a week is a way too long time."

"Haha, true. I go by Orange here, by the way."

"Not very creative name I'd say."

"HEY! I have to fit in. Everyone's called after their colour, it gets confusing."


"You going by any other name?"

"Oh yeah, it's Sabre."

"Ooh, a nice name."

"You're not concerned it's a name of a sword?"

"A s-a-b-e-r is a sword. S-a-b-r-e is not."

"Pfft- Okay then."

And they were happy.

Until they learnt about the Darkness.

And it was the world their mother didn't want them to end up.

And that- Actually, no, that shall be left unsaid. This is supposed to be a fluffy one-

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