Don't smile at me like that!

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Summary: Tony and Clay finally confess to each other

Wordcount: 1153 words

Warnings: none
Clay was so tired, he hadn't slept for weeks because of his nightmares and it was kicking in hard the second he entered the school. He could barely stand straight and his sight was getting incredibly blurry. He was yawning every minute, but thought he hid it well. Little did he know that a certain shorter friend of his knew damn well what was going on. He wanted to talk to Clay about why he wasn't sleeping well, he couldn't help but stare at the boy who he might have a *small* crush on. But Clay wasn't gay right?

Tony was so swept away in his thoughts that he didn't hear the tired boy approaching him. 'What are you staring at, Tony?' asked Clay with a certain hope that it was at him. Clay really liked his friend, but thought he wasn't Tony's type at all. He wasn't much of a typical gay, like Tony's past boyfriends, he was bi actually. 'Uhm, n-nothing... the suicide posters I guess, isn't it ridiculous?' Tony tried to hide his obvious crush and start on a different subject. Luckily it worked because Clay responded 'Yeah, as if that would bring her back or help other students, a poster telling you "Don't die" works the other way around in my opinion.' Tony was shocked at the last part of the sentence, was Clay suicidal? Was that why he wasn't sleeping well? Whatever it was he wasn't going to lose another fucking friend to suicide. 'Hey, would you want to go for a drive after school, you know, just to catch up?' Tony asked hopefully. 'I mean, I have homework, but that's not due very soon, so yeah. I'll see you after school.' Clay answered before the bell rang.

For Clay the day passed slowly, he really wanted to spend time with Tony and had been more than happy with the suggestion. When school ended, Clay almost sprinted out of the classroom to the left school entrance, where they would meet. 'Well you look excited?' Tony chuckled as the other boy stopped just in time not to bump into his crush at full speed. 'I guess?' Clay responded as he walked to the passenger seat. Tony sighed as he rolled his eyes. Oh, how much he lov- liked, liked...his friend as a friend ofc. ( yeah Tony, that's convincing -_-)

Tony got into the car on the driver's side and Clay asked 'Sooo, where are we going?' 'You can choose.' 'You suggested it, you choose.' Clay stated. Tony looked at Clay and they both started laughing. 'Alright, then it's a surprise.' Tony said as he started the car. The drive was filled with a comfortable silence, Clay looking outside peacefully and Tony focusing on the road. Tony was still concerned about Clay and couldn't wait till their destination to ask. 'Clay Uhm, are you doing alright? You've been looking exhausted.' Clay froze, he really thought he hid it well. 'Clay? Hey, earth to Clay Jensen?' 'Oh Uhm yeah, uh-... I-I'm fine..yes I uh I'm fine.' Tony sighed, he was so unconvinced. 'Clay, did the nightmares start again?' Am I really that damn easy to read? Clay thought to himself. 'Uhm, y-yes.' Clay brought out, tears filling in his eyes. Tony saw and pulled over into a random parking lot, he got out and Clay started sobbing. Was Tony mad at him. But that question was answered when the door of the passenger seat was yanked open and Clay was pulled out of the car and into a hug.

Tony wasn't going to let go any time soon and Clay didn't want him to either. He burried his face into the older boy's neck and took in the familiar scent. The scent of safety, love, comfort and a hint of leather of course. When Tony pulled away, he looked into Clay's eyes and Clay stared back. Clay was blushing like crazy and got into the car quickly. Tony looked to the side letting a chuckle escape his lips thinking about his friend's face. He might have a chance...

Tony got back into the car and saw that Clay was staring at the window like his life was depending on it and he smiled to himself.
A couple minutes after he turned back onto the road again, Clay asked 'Have you ever thought of ending it, l-like Hannah did?' Tony fell completely quiet. Clay immediately regretted asking. 'Well, Clay, I have but never as vividly as you have.' 'How did you know!?' Clay asked panicking. 'Clay- You just asked me if I ever thought about it, that would mean that you do and besides that, look at yourself! I am lucky you're even in my car. You look like you could join her at any given moment! I want to prevent that!!' Tony exclaimed while tears were burning in his eyes. 'WHY!?' Clay yelled, 'Because I REFUSE to lose another friend on suicide, I failed once and won't fucking fail again! I love you Clay...I wanted to tell you sooner, but I couldn't. If you want me to pull over to drop you off, I-I'd understand. Clay looked stunned. 'Pull over.' Clay said 'Clay, I don't want to lose you as my frie-' 'PULL. OVER.' Clay said sternly. Tony pulled over and looked at Clay, 'Now what.' 'Get out of the car.' Clay answered as he got out as well. Tony obeyed, got out and walked over to Clay.

Clay swung his arms around Tony and kissed him on the lips, Tony gave in. It was a sweet kiss and when they pulled apart, Tony was smiling at Clay. 'Don't smile at me like that!' Clay exclaimed as his cheeks flushed red and he burried his face in Tony's chest. Tony kissed the top of his head and put his arms around the boy protectively. After a while they got back into the car and Tony turned onto the road back to Clay's house to drop him off. During the drive they talked a little and Clay promised to call Tony if he ever feels like harming himself and Tony promised to talk to Clay when something was wrong. When they arrived at Clay's house, the realization hit him 'There was never an end destination where we were going, was there?' 'Nope' Tony answered as he walked Clay to the door. Before Clay entered, he gave Tony a quick peck on the lips and Tony smiled returning a kiss on Clay's nose. 'I swear if you smile at me again like that, I will lose my shit.' Clay said. 'Just try to get some rest, mi vida.' Clay blushed at the nickname and went inside. Both boys thought to themselves: that, that smile is going to be the death for me.

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