I'm a hunderd percent sure you're all I think about

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Summary: Clay gets jealous when Tony starts talking to Brad more

Word count: 1090 words

Warnings: slight cursing and kissing against will
Clay and Tony had been together for almost a year now, the relationship was totally working and they loved each other with their whole heart. The only problem Clay looks up to at the moment was the fact that his boyfriend had been talking to his ex Brad and that guy had become a little to touchy with his boyfriend a little too often.

Clay walked through the doors of the school, he had a free period and just arrived. Clay walked to his class, only to stop in his tracks when he saw Brad all over Tony telling him no one had to know. Clay burned with jealousy and anger. He turned to the two and walked over to them. He dropped his bag and pushed Brad off of Tony harshly. Tony was surprised by his boyfriend's reaction, he tried to calm Clay down, but Clay was only filled with rage. 'Don't touch my fucking boyfriend, asshole! The fact that you were a prick and that you are lonely now, doesn't give you the slightest fucking valid reason to try and force yourself on my boyfriend.' 'I-I didn't, he wanted it t-too. I didn't know you two were together!?' 'The whole fucking school knows, motherfucker.' Clay said as he grabbed Brad and got ready to punch. Justin pushed himself through the audience who had formed around the scene, 'Come on Clay, get out of here, man.' 'Fine.' Clay said.

He walked away, leaving Brad on the ground terrified. Tony tried to catch up with him, but Clay just made Tony lose him in the crowd. He avoided his boyfriend for the rest of the day. When school finished Clay decided on how he would go home, Tony had been bringing him everyday since they got together. He wanted to cry, remembering Brad's words 'he wanted it t-too.' The words kept repeating in his head and he ran back into the school. Tony saw him and ran after him, he had to explain, he couldn't lose Clay.

Clay ran to the bathroom and hid in one of the stalls, he was having a full-blown panick attack. He heard Tony saying he never loved him, saying he'd been cheating all along and how Brad was better. He saw them kissing and imagined every moment they could've gotten together. None of it was true, but right now he was hallucinating and nothing seemed impossible. He was so busy whispering to himself that he didn't hear someone coming in. Tony heard someone sobbing, he secretly hoped it wasn't Clay, he hated to see or hear his world breaking down like that. He carefully knocked on the stall. 'It's in use, you blind fucker.' Clay said 'Clay, it's me, your boyfriend.' 'Are you still my boyfriend though?' Clay asked. That hurt Tony. 'Of course I am your boyfriend, what made you think I wasn't?' Tony regretted saying the last part immediately. 'Well, I do not know, really I have no clue!' Clay said anger burning up in him. 'Maybe because I saw you all over your ex in the hallway, you could've just broken up with me. I understand, I'm not what your previous boyfriends were like okay!?' Clay half sobbed half shouted. 'Clay, can I please come inside to explain.' He heard nothing. 'Clay? Clay-' but he didn't have to finish because the lock clicked open and slowly opened showing Clay on the floor eyes red, shaking like crazy. Tony went to sit next to him and put an arm around him. It was the latest hour, so no one was at school to interrupt. Clay pushed Tony's arm off of him even though he would've rather been as close as possible. He wanted to show Tony that he thought this wasn't okay and that Tony needed to be reminded of what he'd done. He stood up, but almost fell face first onto the floor. Tony got up, he was scared, what was happening. Tony grabbed Clay by the arm but Clay pushed him away weakly, it took Tony four tries before Clay finally gave in and didn't push him away. Tony took him in his arms and kissed the top of his head, Clay held onto Tony for dear life and slowly lowered to the ground, Tony followed him down until Clay was in between Tony's legs, holding his torso, crying his eyes out. 'It's okay.' Tony soothed him while drawing little circles on Clay's back and kissing his face and head from time to time.

After Clay was more at peace, Tony stood up and helped Clay get up as well. 'Should we go to my house, I can explain it all, but rather not on the floor of the bathroom stalls.' He smiled at Clay, who nodded. They walked out of the school and to Tony's car, they got in and drove to Tony's house. They didn't really say anything. When they entered the house, they greeted Tony's parents and went to Tony's room. Tony took Clay's hands and led him to sit with Tony on the bed. 'So?' Clay said softly, 'Why?' Tony sighed, turning Clay so Tony was leaning against the headboard with Clay in between his legs as he wrapped his arms around Clay. 'Why are you touching me like this if you like Brad better?' Clay asked 'Because I don't, I love you, mi mundo (my world).' 'Explain what that was then?' Clay said as he put his hands on Tony's playing with the many rings around his fingers. Tony smiled at Clay, who was correcting the positions of his rings. 'He forced himself onto me, he tried to kiss me, I wanted to get him off, but I was frozen, he grabbed my hands and I felt like I couldn't talk anymore. That's when you came and pushed him full-force off, which I have to give to you, looked really cool.' Clay had turned around and looked at Tony, 'I am so sorry for getting mad at you, I shouldn't have been the one upset.' He said as tears welled in his eyes 'Even now.' He said as another tear dripped down his face, Tony wiped them away. 'You had all reason to be upset, okay? I would have been mad as well.' Clay sniffed, 'Do you think of him when you kiss me?' He asked 'I'm a hunderd percent sure you're all I think about.' Tony said, as he smiled at his boyfriend. Clay laughed.

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