Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't feel threatend right now...

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Summary: Amilia gets kidnapped.

Wordcount: 2390 Words

Warnings: cursing, blood
Tony's POV
Tony and Clay both had work, so they couldn't pick 13-year-old Amilia up from school. Tony had called one of his brothers to do so, they never really minded picking her up. They knew exactly when she got off, where her school was and how to get there. That's also why Tony was surprised when his brother called him all of a sudden.

'Hey, you told me you didn't have time to pick her up?' Tony looked puzzled. 'I know, I can't...why?' 'Well, she isn't here as far as I can tell.' His brother answered. 'What?-' 'She isn't here, hermano (brother)!' His brother interrupted 'Let me goddamn finish my fucking sentence!' Tony said annoyed. 'That's it, I'm coming over there right now, but I swear if she's just standing there and I came all the way over there for nothing, I won't take it well.' Tony sighed as he hung up and pinched the bridge of his nose, how difficult is it to pick up a kid...

Amilia's POV about ten minutes earlier
Amilia had a good day and was excited to tell her uncle all about it. She got off a few minutes earlier and was waiting for her uncle to pick her up. She had taken a place on a blue bench in front of a random classroom. That's when she saw two men in all black leather approach her. Huh, they must be looking for their child, she thought to herself. 'Are you Amilia Padilla-Jensen, little girl.' The two men asked. 'Nope, I think you and your husband got the wrong girl!' Amilia said as she smiled. If there was one thing her parents had always made clear, it was that she should never let any information lose to strangers. She was not Amilia and she was never alone.

The two men looked at each other, husband? 'I don't think you understand, u-Uhm are you here alone?' 'No, my friends are standing right there, my teacher is in her classroom teaching her next class behind this window and my dad is coming to pick me up and should be here any minute now.' Amilia lied as she pointed at some random girls on the other side of the playground. She was not Amilia and never alone and most important: the person picking her up was always her father, not an uncle or grandparent, no, a person that would recognize her absence in a heartbeat.

'Oh right, your father, we know him. He asked us to pick you up! So just move your ass up and-' but his partner interrupted and Amilia became more and more anxious, who the hell were these guys and why were they so eager to take her with them. It's not like she was some child of a famous celebrity or something. 'No thank you, I think I'm settled here.' Amilia said as she got up from the bench she was sitting on and tried to move past the two men as the aggressive one grabbed her by the arm and whispered. 'You are coming with us, whether you like it or not. We got some... what should we say... unfinished business with your father.' The man grinned at her and pulled her with them as the other guy grabbed her stuff and waved to the teacher in the classroom as if to show that she was "okay".

Back to Tony's POV but after he arrived at the school
Tony stepped out of his car and approached his brother, who was standing faced away from him. 'Oi, dude.' He said as he put a hand on his brother's shoulder. His brother whipped around looking like a ghost. 'Woah, calm down there, what's the matter with you?' Tony said as he looked suspiciously at his brother observing his body language: fidgeting with the seam of his shirt, sweating and smiling in an uncomfortable matter. 'Anyway... did you already try to find a teacher inside, who saw something?' Tony asked waving away the subject.

'Oh uhm no-' he was cut off by his phone ringing. He looked at the number and put it away, his eyes widened. 'Okay- what the hell is going on, who's calling you and why is it causing you to look like you just jumped into a pool!?' Tony asked-shouted as he tried to grab his brother's phone. 'No it's nothing, just some random guy that keeps calling me-' again the phone started ringing. 'Pick up and put it on speaker, I'll handle it, dios mio.' His brother picked up and put it on speaker, holding it in the between the both of them. 'Hello, who is this.' Tony said firmly. 'Don't recognize your own friend, *brother's name*? You thought we would let it slide? You blew us up and we got caught man. You made us get caught, this one's on you. So we got some compensation for our loss. Your precious little daughter...' Tony's eyes widened and he said 'Let us talk to her, proof that you have her.' 'Well we're currently in the van and the bitch is in the back so come and find me, bring 20 mil if you want her back- alive.' The man on the phone chuckled and hung up, leaving a raging Tony and his brother feeling guilty as heck.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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