Seriously!? Again!?

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Summary: Tony gets kidnapped and they call Amilia (16 at the time).

Wordcount:1136 words

Warnings: none
It was 3 pm when Amilia got an anonymous call, her dad (Clay) was out of town for a few days so she shared her days with her papa (Tony). He was supposed to come home an hour ago, but he didn't and Amilia was wondering where he was. Maybe her father's phone died and he is calling via someone else's phone, so she picked up. 'Hello?' She asked, not telling the caller her name for obvious reasons. 'I have your dad.' The anonymous caller said in a deep voice. 'Ok...which one?...' Amilia asked, was this another one of those stupid jokes from her classmates? 'Which on-? W-well u-uhm, I don't know dark hair, brown skin, leather jacket?' The caller described in a slightly confused tone.

'Oh! In that case, you're wrong!' Amilia said cheerfully as she made some tea for herself. 'What-what do you mean? I'm wrong?' The caller was totally put off track and didn't understand who was scaring who at the moment. 'Oh, you don't have him, he has you. Good luck!' Amilia said as she hung up.


'You have a fucked up kid, dude!' The kidnapper said as he looked at the phone as if Amilia had told him the most terrifying thing ever. His hands were shaking and he put the phone down on an empty table as he turned to his victim. 'What did you call my daughter?' Tony said, the kidnapper turned around and said 'I said your kid is fucked up, she told me that I don't have you kidnapped but you have me kidnapped!?' Tony raised an eyebrow at the back of the kidnapper, who had turned his back on him again and refused to look at him. He was in deep thoughts about what to do when he heard a whistle. When he turned his head he saw Tony looking at him in a challenging way as he dropped the rope he had been tied up with just a minute ago. 'Oh fuck my life!' The kidnapper signed.


Amilia had just finished her tea when the anonymous number called again. She looked at the caller and picked up. 'Hi papa!' She said. 'Hi preciosa, I'll be home in about half an hour. I tied him up an-' but Tony got interrupted when the kidnapper yelled 'Hey! You can't just leave me here!!' Tony got annoyed with the guy and covered the phone with his hand as he shouted back 'Oi! Can you not hear I'm on the phone you rude piece of shit! And about the leaving you here? Watch me.' He turned back to the phone and his voice softened immediately when his daughter asked 'Is everything alright papa? Can I set something ready for you for when you come home?' Tony smiled at his daughter's kindness and answered 'A cup of coffee would be nice but don't worry, it's getting late, hm? What do you say, take-out?' He asked already knowing the response. 'YESSSSS, I'll call!' Amilia shouted through the phone. 'I'll see you in half an hour then!' Amilia said. 'Fuck you and your stupid ass daughter!' The kidnapper yelled 'Make it 45 minutes, darling.' 'Ok!' Amilia answered.

Tony threw the phone on the ground and stepped on it enjoying the pain in the kidnapper's eyes, seeing the expensive phone being crushed in front of his eyes. 'Oh and about what you said about my daughter...' Tony said as he saw the terror return on the kidnapper's face.


'I'm home.' Tony said. Most people would yell, but those most people didn't have a daughter with sensitive hearing in the kitchen. 'Hi papa, welcome home.' Amilia cheered as she approached her father holding a cup of coffee. 'You're just in time, the take-out just arrived!' She said as she pulled her father into the kitchen showing the set table with the take-out in the middle.' 'Ahw thank you preciosa.' Tony said as he kissed the top of her head. Amilia smiled at her father and they sat down to eat.


It was 5 pm, Amilia was reading a book and Tony was working on his car ( the red mustang, which was still in their possession). Another car pulled onto the driveway and Tony stopped working on his car as he walked over to his husband who got out. 'Welcome back, mi vida.' He said as he kissed his him, only to feel a teenager wrapping her arms around the both of them not even a second after. 'Hi darling, did everything go well while I was gone?'Clay asked as he kissed his daughter on the top of her head. 'Yes, we had a great time, we had a movie night and papa helped with some homework and he taught me some very cool fighting skills! Do you want to see?' Amilia said as she let them go and looked hopefully at her dad. 'Sure thing, but I'll put my things inside first, ok?' 'Okay!' Amilia chirped as she went back into the house. 'Did everything really go well?' Clay asked giving his man a serious look up and down. 'Of course, everything went great!' 'Anyway, let me help you with your stuff.' Tony said as he took some bags from Clay's hands. 'Still a gentleman after all these years, hm?' Clay said as he took the other bags and walked inside. 'All my life, cariño.' He said.

When everything was inside and Amilia had showed her new fighting skill, it already had gotten quite late. 'Hey Lia, what do you think? Take-out?'Clay asked his daughter, who gave her father a quick side eye. 'Is there something I'm missing out on?' Clay asked as he looked at the two. 'No nothing, I'll order some pizza!' Amilia said giving her father a knowing look before walking away.

After the pizza arrived they settled in front of the tv and turned it on. It showed a news item in which a woman said ' Yesterday evening, a man who later turned out to be a kidnapper was found in an abandoned shopping center screaming his lungs out. He had been tied to a chair and beaten up badly. He said he'd been there for hours and seemed exhausted from the shouting. The police also found a smashed, very expensive, phone at the crime scene. They are asking any possible witnesses to come to the station to get a clear image of what happened there.' Tony and Amilia have each other an alarming look. 'Wait..' Clay started. Shit he figured it out, Tony and Amilia thought. 'Guys seriously!?' 'Again!?'

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