part 2 - It is?

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I went to my room and started thinking what can I take?

I decided to take a water bottle and a camera to record our experience. I put all the things in my bag and slept for sometime.

At 4pm

I picked up my bag and went downstairs. my mother saw me carrying a bag and ready for going somewhere.

" Sam! Where are you going?" Said my mother.

"Mom I am going to a mall " I lied.

" Mall? But why are you taking a bag with you" said my mother.

"Mom I am going with my friends and they told me to bring some of the their thing's which I had borrowed " I lied again.

"Okay" said my mother and went into her room.

I don't want to tell mom about where I am going as she would never send me to such a place.

All of a sudden I heard horn of a car. I quickly went out of the house. My friends were there sitting in car.

"Hurry up. We have to go" said John.

I quickly sat in the car and John started driving to that haunted place.

"By the way . Is there any other specific name for that house " said Eddie.

"Oh! Yes I forgot to tell you about it. It is also known as " Hanswood House" I said.

" Hanswood. What a weird name" said Eddie.

After some time we reached our destination.
We got out of the car. The house was in the middle of a forest. We walked towards it and when we reached we saw that the house was fully covered with dust, all windows were broken and the main door was also in a very bad condition.

" I am getting some creepy vibes from the house " said Tetia.

"Me too" said Eddie.

"Let's first peek through the window in the house" said John

"Ok" I said.

We saw through a window. I turned on my camera for recording. It was very dark inside the house. We can't see anything through the window. Rose took out the torches. She has 3 torches. So, we divided into 3 groups.

1st group Me, John and Rose.
2nd group Peter, Eddie and Max
And Tetia alone.

We told her to come in one of the groups but she said that she is not a coward. She can be alone and will explore alone.

There were 2 floors. Our group decided to explore on the 2nd floor and Peter's group would explore the 1st floor. Tetia was going to explore the surrounding of the house from outside. All the groups went in their directions.

Me, John and Rose were exploring the 2nd floor. We turned on the torch and started walking towards the left side of hallway.

A sudden we heard like something has fallen on the ground. When we turned there was a metal pot fallen on the ground.

"It's just a pot" said John.

"Y.... Yes" said Rose.

A sudden a black cat jumped on John. He threw the cat on a distance from him. We all started running in the left direction.

We were seeing behind and a sudden we all clashed in a wall. We forgot that the hallway also has an ending.

We all fell down on the ground. Our head's were paining. But after some time everything got normal.

We moved in a room near us. I opened the door and a dusty wind was blown on our faces. When we saw clearly. We saw a bed fully covered with dust and the room was also covered with dust and with spider webs.

We started exploring the room. I started recording.

"I think this house is abandoned from many years" said John.

"Yes " said Rose.

A sudden my eyes struck on something under the bed. I bent down to pick it up. It was a diary fully covered with dust. I cleared the dust from it.

"What is it?" Said Rose.

"A diary" I said

Rose and John were exploring other things in the room. Meanwhile, I opened the dairy and read the first page.

"Oh my god. Guys see this" I said.

"What is it?" Said John coming towards me.

"See the date" I said.

"What this house is this old! " said John after seeing the date.

"What happened? What's the date?" Said Rose.

"It is ..........


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