part 6- faces covered with fear

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Because it was written

" A girl was found dead near the Alpha forest"

It was the same forest where Hanswood house is situated. And the girl who was found dead was


A chill went down through my spine because Tetia was with us all the time.

"It means that the girl who is with us in not Tetia. It can be a ghost from Hanswood house?" I thought.

I took that newspaper and ran towards my house. After reaching home. I went to my room and called John. My face was fully covered with sweat.

"H.... Hello. Jo..... John" I said stuttering in fear.

"Hello! What happened? Why are you stuttering Sam!" John replied.

" Have you read today's newspaper!" I said.

"Not yet, but what happened?" Said John.

"First read the news" I said.

"Ok" He replied.

After a few minutes,

" what the heck!" John said

"Yeah, I was also shocked by the news" I said.

"Really! How can the government increase the rate of tomatoes this much" said John.

"John! Are you mad read the main news you fool!" I yelled.

"Oh! Sorry!" He replied.

"What the heck? Tetia died but she was with us whole time!" He said.

"Yes I want you to pick others from their house and come to my house except Tetia " I said.

"Ok I'm coming " he replied.

After 20 minutes.

All of us were gathered in my room.

"You told them?" I asked John.

"Yes" he replied.

"I can't understand what's going on? How she died?" Said Eddie.

"Yes, she was with us all the time" said Rose .

"If she's dead then who's with us all the time?" Said Max.

"Guy's calm down. We need to think of a solution " Said Peter.

" See we will act normal when Tetia will come in front of us. She didn't get any idea that we have any doubt on her" I said.

"What's an eerie situation is this!" Said Eddie.

"I think that's it's a ghost from that haunted house who killed Tetia and shapeshifted as her" I said.

"Yes I think you're right " said John.

" Btw I have some information of that house " I said and took out my phone from my pocket and showed the pics of newspaper to them

"It means that Mr Hanswood killed her own daughter and wife" said Eddie.

"So cruel he was!" Said Max.

"Also the maid. I think she saw him killing them. That's why he also killed her" said Rose.

"Yes" Said Max.

A sudden my mom called me.

"Sam! Tetia has come to meet you"

Our faces got covered with fear.......


Next part will be out soon.

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