Nick XX

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I was hovering in that space between sleep and wake. I could feel an arm wrapped around me and I figured it was just Imogen. But as I woke up more, I remembered that Imogen wasn't even in the country. Slowly, my sleep and alcohol fogged brain put together the pieces and I realised it was Charlie. I turned my head, trying to look at him only to find him still fast asleep.

"Charlie," I said my voice just above a whisper. "Charlie, wake up."

"Hmm?" Charlie hummed, stirring a little.

"Charlie, you fell asleep." By now, I was fully awake and I was well aware of a thumping headache I had but I was ignoring it, for now, focusing on trying to wake him up. "Charlie, please."

"What?" Suddenly his arm was gone from around me and he scrambled to the other side of the bed. "Oh, shit. Nick, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep. I, I'm so sorry..."

"Hey, stop." I cut him off, putting one hand on his knee. He looked up at me, running a hand through his hair.


"It's fine. I know we didn't do anything. And I know you were only in here because I asked you."

"You remember?"

"Mostly. Thanks for getting me home and thinking of Abby."

"Anytime. I know you were upset about Imogen..."

"I should probably call her at some point. I'm pretty sure I drunk-dialled her last night." I interrupted, suddenly remembering. I hung my head, the headache coming on stronger now that I wasn't focused on something else.

"So that's where you disappeared to last night when I was saying goodbye to everyone else."

"I guess so. God, my head hurts."

"I'm not surprised. You want an aspirin?"

"Yeah. Uh, in the bathroom cabinet. Top shelf." Charlie nodded and stood up, heading to the bathroom but stopped halfway.

"If the kids ask, can we not tell them?"

"Why?" I was confused.

"I just-" He sighed and chewed on his lip for a moment. "Nathaniel gets these ideas in his head about me whenever something happens between me and another man."

"Oh." I nodded, understanding his rambling explanation. "Sure. But I have to tell Imogen. I know we didn't do anything but we promised to never keep anything from each other."

"Of course. I wouldn't want you to keep it from her. I'm sure she'll be fine."


Charlie hung around till about ten, making sure the kids were fed and I was okay to look after Abby. Once I'd waved him off, I set Abby in front of the TV to watch her shows while I sat at the kitchen counter with my laptop to video call Imogen.

"Hey, babe. How are you feeling today? Is your head okay?" I smiled when she finally answered, her voice filling my ears.

"Hi. I'm doing okay now. I'm sorry for drunk dialling you."

"It's okay. It was kind of funny, actually. A nice thing to wake up to." She grinned and reached behind her to get her phone. "You want to hear it?"

"Uh, no. I'd rather not. This way I can pretend it didn't happen and I didn't make a fool of myself."

"Okay then. But I'm saving it."

"Whatever you like. Um, I have to tell you something."

"Okay," She looked up at me, concerned. "Is everything alright?"

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