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After that day, they went on more supposed 'dates'.

When Jeongin asked Seungmin about what he did, he had told him he does part time jobs and some online trading, to which, Jeongin believed. I mean, who wouldn't? Literally. Who would think Seungmin is an underground mob?..Me neither


"La la" Seungmin hums as he makes a coffee for himself in the kitchen when Chan enters

"Hm? You're in a good mood." Chan says as he brushes his teeth leaning against the kitchen counter.

Seungmin nods

"Actually, these two weeks I've been noticing, you are in an excellent mood. What's new?"

no, he froze. yea he didn't think about it..what will he tell Chan? that he is going on a date with a college student?..if he doesn't want to die, he's not going to say ANYTHING about this whatsoever...
'its just timepass use of telling anything to anyone right now.'
He thinks to himself and sips his coffee, says "Caffeine has been getting me what else old man. A cup of coffee will keep you alive your entire life" Seungmin pats Chan's shoulders and just goes to his room..

Leaving Chan absolutely confounded. 'tf?'


Seungmin was waiting for Jeongin as usual outside his college. This was now a daily routine for him. Pick Jeongin up, treat him some food, then either take him home or to a date. Today he didn't know what Jeongin wanted to do so he showed up in his casual attire.
But as soon as he looked up, he didn't like the view.

Jeongin had girls to the left and to the right. All of them looked like they were nagging him for something.

'what the fuck?'

Seungmin just stood there and observed them, he was a bit far so obviously Jeongin didn't notice him.

A minute or 2 passed and they still didn't finish their chitchat .

'cmon man, how long'

And then they finally pissed Seungmjn off. ALL of them hugged Jeongin one by one..And not in a friendly way. Remember, NOT in a FRIENDLY way.
One of them even started whispering in Jeongin's ears, to which Jeongin's response was a smirk. A SMIRK.

'okay then, i see how it is.

Seungmin was about to turn around and leave when someone finally called his name.

"Seungmin Hyung!"

Seungmin didn't turn back

"Why didn't you text me that you're here?" Jeongin panted as he said

Seungmin just gave a little shrug. But he didn't look at the boy's eyes

"Did you wait for too long?" Jeongin said

"No, let's go." His answers were stern. He started moving towards his bike

"Heyy, let's go to the new cafe nearby today, it's puppy themed, i think it would suit youu" Jeongin seemed enthusiastic as usual

Both of them then hopped on the bike and the bike started. It was obvious Seungmin was in a bad mood..Jeongin sensed it but didn't say anything yet, thought maybe it was because of a rough day at work..

But the bike wasn't going on the cafe's way..It was going on a unfamiliar route.

"Seungmin, where are we going? I thought we were gonna go to the cafe? Do you have something else in mind?"

There was silence for sometime, and then he finally spoke.

"Let's drink , Jeongin"


I'm sleepy af, but it's fucking evening

𝗟𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 // 𝗦𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻 (ɢᴀɴɢsᴛᴇʀ ᴀᴜ)Where stories live. Discover now