Railways First Engine

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The Isl of Sodor is home to many railway stations. From big to small, to being filled with people every minute of every day, to barely getting a handful of passengers a month. One of these smaller stations is the station at the summit of Gordon's Hill, a small 2-platform station known as Maron.

Maron is a popular station, partly due to it being one of the oldest stations on the island and one of the least changed. With older advertisement designs hanging from walls with the only modern feature being a new telephone and a single extra siding added within the last decade. However, located just behind the station platform, is an old siding covered in weeds and grime that overlooked a steep drop with a set of busted buffers at the end. This siding had seemingly never been used and yet, it remains covered in weeds and rust.

It was late one evening when the Fat Controller approached the mainline sheds. All the engines were chatting about their day before Neville looked over and straightened up, his face growing flat and stern. "Good evening sir," Neville said in a calm, yet soldier-like voice that made the other engines look towards him before looking towards the Fat Controller. "Oh good evening sir," James said with a yawn "Sorry we didn't see you," Murdoch said, clearly embarrassed before the Fat Controller smiled and shook his head, adjusting his hat. "Don't worry about it, so, I came here to talk to you all about something, you all do know about the old siding at Maron correct?" He asked as the engines glanced at each other, Henry speaking up.

"Of course we do sir, I just don't think many of us ever think about it, why do you ask sir?" Henry asked curiously as the Fat Controller took off his coat and tossed it into his car. "Well, you see, a small group of rail enthusiasts wish to restore the siding to store an old coach that used to run the mainline services to Maron while the railway was being built" The Fat Controller explained as Emily opened one eye, and looked towards him, pretending to sleep. "I offered to help however I need an engine to take the materials up to Maron and take the unusable rails and parts to the scrapyard" The Fat Controller explained as Gordon let out a tired grumble. "And why not have a shunter take it?" Gordon asked curiously, the Fat Controller sighing as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Simple, the trains will be heavy, you see-" "The rails used in the siding were heavy industrial, heaviest and strongest rails the railway could get at the time" Emily interrupted, catching everyone's attention.

"That's...right? How do you-" the Fat Controller started again before Emily spoke up. "I placed them...remember," she said with a grumble of annoyance as she finally opened both eyes and took a deep breath. "And there is a reason that siding hasn't been used in so long" she continued before glancing at the others. "Remember, I'm an old engine, I have been around for a very long time." She said in a monotone voice as her eyes locked on the Fat Controller. "Although I do assume it is best that I tell you this story now, honestly it could bring him the respect he rightfully deserves" she grumbled as she took a deep breath. "Let me tell you all about the story of that siding, let me tell you about the railway's first-ever engine...Earnest.

Many years ago, before the North Western had gotten its name, several tiny railways scattered the island like bugs. These tiny railways were slowly coming together over time...but there was one big thing standing in the way of the construction of the railway, that being a rather large hill known as Maron's Loft. A hill that resulted in one half of the island is up much higher than the other, with a planned gradient going down it to connect the two halves despite the steep Incline.

One of the engines running this line was a newer steam engine with a black and brown livery named Emily and she had...quite the record.

A loud crash filled the yards as Emily banged into a set of trucks with a grunt. "Ergh! Who put these here?!" She exclaimed as the sounds of another engine filled the air. Looking over Emily saw a Lady of the Lake class steam engine painted in a light brown with a large beard and mustache on his face. The engine had rolled under a water tower humming before looking over and giving a toothy grin. "You did Emma, dear did you get distracted while bossing around young Tennyson again and forget where you shunted your train?" This older engine teased as Emily went pink in the face. "...Yes..." she muttered quietly causing the older engine to laugh. "S-s-shut up" Emily huffed quietly as the engine took a deep breath. "Emma, you-" "Yeah yeah I know Earnest. I know, I need to focus on doing my work instead of dictating how others do theirs but-" "But nothing" Earnest interrupted in a stern yet warming voice. "And don't you interrupt me again young lady," Earnest said in a stern voice that sent shivers down Emily's boiler before he spoke again.

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