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I was getting ready for my interview for the biggest and finest architecture company ever
AA Arch

I reached the office and stood infront of the empire he made , I went inside the elevator and went upstairs, I asked the receptionist

"I have a interview today"
"You're name please"

"Mam you're last name?" She asked
"Um it's just Jenna"
She looked at me with a weird look and then checked again

"From Boston University?" She asked
I nodded
"Please wait for 5 minutes" I sat on the lobby for a while and looked around it was so rich so rich !!

"From Boston University?" She asked I nodded "Please wait for 5 minutes" I sat on the lobby for a while and looked around it was so rich so rich !!

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then she called me again

"This way mam"
I stood up and followed her , I saw a woman sitting on a seat and doing her work she looked at me and said "please sit "

I sat infront of her and greeted her and then she said

"Miss Jenna you're assigned as Alex Adams personal assistant "
I was confused "I'm sorry there must be some misunderstanding "

"850 dollars will be you're monthly salary, sorry is there any problem "

Wait what ? 850 dollars for assistant it's 850 dollars !?
I was zooned out of the conversation

"Miss Jenna ?" I looked at her
"Is there any problem?"
"Um actually I think there is a misunderstanding, have you seen my resume?"

She nodded
"Yes I've "
There was a call on the telephone

She picked it up and continued talking
"Okay Miss Jenna sir needs coffee please hurry up!! and yes I gotta say , Mr Alex is very strict and he do not Accept any kind of mistakes "

I nodded and then went towards the kitchen
I didn't expected this and I was so annoyed right now , I've such a good education and qualifications and this is what I got , a fucking assistant

I didn't really understand what happened now

I poured the coffee and walked towards the lobby helding the coffee tray in my hand and I accidentally hit a man

Tray fell from my hand towards the floor and the coffee cup broke into pieces

"Hey can't you see and walk" I shouted
He looked at me saying "sorry ?"

"I said can't you look and walk , ugh why people keep looking in there phone while walking too ? Freaks "

I said giving him a judgy look
He looked at me and said "are you new ?"
"Why does is concern you , mind you're own buisness" and I crossed him walking towards the kitchen again

I made the coffee again and went towards the boss's cabin , I stood and took a deep breath because I was a little nervous

I knocked
"Come in"
I opened the door and saw a man talking on phone , facing the window

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